The Mage Chap 17

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My body..

It hurts... but it was still tolerable. My body seemed to be asleep but my mind was awake and I think Sig knew that. He was in his wolf's form that is now larger and took up almost the size of the bed. We almost didn't fit. I freed him with that level 10 spell and his power, all his guardian power that was binded with the contract of a slave was freed. But even with that he chose to be my slave in the end and refused to be freed. With a powerful spell it was not enough to stop it. When his powers came back fully my command on him became stronger. His power was now running in my system when he chose to still be under a summon. Sig chose me and now was binded with me until I die. Somehow.. I was relief he didn't leave me. He was free and he chose to be binded forever.

"William stop this!" I can feel Sig's deep growl through his soft furry chest that I was lying on. He was more warmer than before. Just the way I need it.

"James just listen! James don't go in!! James!! Kathy he didn't want to be disturb please! God!! You two stoopp!!!!"

But William couldn't contain the two that slammed the door open. Sig's fur was standing on the back of his head and spine. He was growling nonstop but I stayed asleep and dead tired. Sig's warmth was soothing through my wounded body.

"He.. he's my son?" I felt Sig drop his guard and eyed me too. It was like I was watching the whole scene while I sleep.

"G-God.. no.. no.. my-my baby.. No.." katherine fell on her knees and James went with her, hugging her tight as they both bawled their eyes while watching me, sleep with pain filled eyes. They wouldn't look happy if their son was covered with burns then almost died before them.. again..

I nuzzle onto Sig's fur and I felt that warmth again when he saw me wince.

"Sig what're you doing?" William came in eyeing James and Katherine then at Sig who was glowing in a subtle light, hovering over his whole body.

'He is responding well towards my spirit. I am healing him.'

Sig said telepathically speaking without opening his mouth.

"H-how?? Was it the spell?" Sig nodded and started lapping at my cheek and hair. I swear his tongue glided through my lips once! Sneeky dog!

"W-what's going on William?!" Katherine said as James got her to stand up with him.

"Let me check him Sig." Sig eyed him but he let him though he was watching him every time. He check my burned neck, peeking through the soaked bandages. His eyes widened as he took the bandages off and saw my wounds already almost closed and healed so fast.

'I've tried it and it worked..' Sig said.

"But before it didn't?" Sig nodded.

'Yes, but I think the healing can only come from me.'

"Yes it is since I tried to heal him with a spell and it didn't worked though I restored his spirit energy back to a safe level it still didn't worked. He accepted yours.. it is working." He said, amusement in his eyes and heavy with relief.

"Good.." he sighed and eyed James.

"James please. Lucas asked me this one favor. I told him I'll give him time. Please. Respect his decision, he's in shocked like us."

"But Will!" Katherine sobbed but she stilled when she saw me winced again and James tears. She reach up and wiped them off his cheeks then she wiped hers. I had a feeling she never had seen her husband cried for so long.


"We'll.. stay." James voice broke.. w-why? Both him and Katherine, also William seemed to be in so much pain.

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