The Mage Chap 15

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My chest feels so warm.. There was this bright light and it really does feel so warm.

Am I dead?

"No, kiddo.. I won't let you die on me again."

I tried to open my eyes but I can't.. I'm just too tired.

"It's okay.. Don't move okay?"

I think I nodded before I fell into darkness again.. Then I heard voices.


".. My baby!! No!! No-no-no!!! William let me through!! My baby!!!"

Katherine? She looked so young. Like about my age. Might be even younger.

"James! James save our baby!! Save him!!!" She was sobbing.. James just stood there. His eyes wide with tears falling out of them.

"Kathy! Listen! I can't do anymore.. He's gone.."

"No.. William let me see my son. I can still feel him. He's alive you can't joke about this!! This is a fucking joke!!!" James.. I have never seen him crying. He looks far worse that Katherine who was already in her knees, sobbing. He looks like he was a time bomb and any minute he'll combust and explode.

"He was born without spirit energy James. He's dead. But he does still have a little of life energy in him.. I wanted my nephew as alive as you do. We can't bring the dead back to life.. but there is one spell we can use. His remaining life energy.. I can pass on to another child."

"W-what?" Katherine and James looks at William with hope filled eyes.

"It's a resurrection spell. He'll live.. but in an unborn child that is not yours."

"What do you mean?! He'll be alive but he can't be ours?! No! He's my baby! My baby.." Katherine sobbed and James hugged her shaking form.

"Kathy.. William what are you saying?"

"It is a hard spell to do. It is one of the most difficult spells there is. I need to use all of his remaining life energy and even his body to do the spell."


"And then right after the spell.. We won't know where he is reincarnated."

"What do you mean we won't know?! He won't be mine! Then I have to give him away just like that?! I won't even know where he will be?! William that's--"

"The only way." William finishes Katherine's words and shut her up.

"Your child is a rare case and the only case that we can use this spell too. It is because he died with still a little bit of life energy in him. When he transfers into an unborn child he will have his spirit energy back."

"How about the child that he will be reborn to?" James asks.

"An unborn child has no life energy but only spirit. He will be the child and the child will be him. He is still your child but when he is reborn.. He will not be yours anymore."

"No.. That can't be.." Katherine fell sobbing once more..

"But he will be alive." William feels for the wall like he needs it to stay on his feet..

"It is the only possible way."

I blink my eyes and there is James sitting on a bed holding on a small baby's clothing. He was staring at nowhere.. His eyes looking pass everything outside the open window.

"James? Hey.. The spell was a success. Your baby is alive there somewhere." William sits on his heels in front of a dazed James.

"Hey.. Little brother look at me please.." William pleads. That doctor.. He was James' older brother?

"He is alive somewhere.." James spoke in a monotone. He looked so lifeless.

"How's.. Kathy?" He said still not dropping his eyes at his brother.

"She's still not eating.. Both of you please stop this. Please James, please! You'll both kill yourselves!" William said through clench teeth. His jaw tight but more of frustration not anger.

"Kathy.. She can't have anymore babies.. Our son is our last hope and he died.."

"He did but he is now alive James! Can't you hear me?!"

"Then where is he?! My one day old son died in my arms.. And was taken away from me. I won't ever get to see.. even the color of his eyes. Was it green like Kathy's? or did he take it from me? How could I know? He never did open them for me.."

"James.. You and Kathy can still have kids! I didn't say she couldn't! There are still ways.. It's just that.. it'll be too long of a process and will be very hard for her to conceive another child."

"We can't William.. We can't! And you fucking know it!"

There was long silence.. then James spoke again..

"I didn't.." He took the small baby clothing in between his hand and presses them on his chest as he curl his body like he was hugging it.

"I didn't even get to give him a name..!" He started, his voice breaking into sobs. His tears started to fall continuously staining his pale face.

"He held my pinky when I held him Will! His little hand held my finger.." For a second he smiles when he recalls the memory then he sobs again. His body shaking as he did.

"He held my finger before be died.. I didn't even hear his cry.. Before.. B-before.. Fuck!!! Why?!!! Why?!! Give me back my boy!!! Please!!!! God please!!!!!"

"James! Calm down! James!!!"

What.. is this? I felt my cheeks and tears where falling down my cheeks. What am dreaming? Did this really happen? What..

What is this?!

Why.. Why am feeling so.. hurt?

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