The Mage Chap 16

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Chap 16

"Kiddo.. Wake up for me please?" When I open my eyes his dark eyes met my tired ones. He smiled at me and that smile really seemed so familiar..

"William?" His smile fade as his eyes widen when I spoke his name.

"You knew who I am?" I winced as I felt the stinging of my burned flesh. He quickly diverted his gaze from my face to my bare chest and stomach. I followed his wary eyes towards my bandaged body. Even the white thick bandages are soaked with my blood. Turning it into a deep fresh scarlet.

"It hurts.." I breathe in a harshly, wincing as the pain pressed into my chest, ribcage and my back each deep breath I took.

"H-hurts.." I turn my head to the side and a line of red caught my eyes. I followed the line to a bag of red liquid. Blood. Where am I? He.. Did he took me back?!

"Where am I?!" I tried to sit up but he pressed onto my shoulders stopping me.

"You're in my clinic. Lucas, How did you knew my name?" He looked serious but I avoided his dark eyes, eyeing the white walls. Then the vase filled with wild flowers.

"A.. Dream."

"What kind of dream?" He looked adamant on knowing my dream so I dare asked.

"Who am I?" His eyes looked like it was gonna fell off its socket. His mouth hanging a bit open.

"Lucas.." He looked shaken, looking away from me but I didn't missed his glassy eyes.

"I won't go back, William. If what I assume is true.. I can't. I'm not ready. Give me time." He eyed me again and there I saw tears pooling in his eyes. When he closed them, his tears fell. He has a small smile on his lips as reach out to hold my hand.

"Kiddo.. What you told me yesterday.." Yesterday? Have I sleep that long? "You are afraid of what you are feeling being with James and Katherine for such a short time. If you are happy why not accept it? Don't be afraid kiddo. I don't know what you've dreamt of but James and Katherine would kill just to see you. They missed you so much. There are no days that passed that they think of you. Like I told them. There is no possible way of finding you but they still hoped and pray someday.. you'll come back for them. For us."

No way of finding.. me?

"How do you know I am him?" I deadpan

"I made the spell. I cast my first spell before the reincarnation spell. Using the first spell.. I felt your life energy. That's how I found you in the woods. Your spirit was running out that's how I felt your life energy stronger but I didn't like it one bit. We got here in the first place because of your spirit energy. What you did is not very ideal. I'm actually at my lowest point right now. I don't know if I would be glad or mad at you. I'm so overwhelmed now that I'm crying my eyes out like a five year old." I smirked and he wiped his tears. Crying didn't really suit him. He looked so stern.. mirroring my first impression of James.

"So.. I should be relief you dreamt of it. Explaining this would be next to impossible to believe. What did you exactly dreamt about kiddo?" He stood up and fixed something in my IV bag next to the blood bag.

"Painkillers." He gave a reassuring smile as he injected the tube. I nod and told him my dream. I could remember it like I was there. It was like I watched a movie.

"That is.. amazingly accurate." His eyebrows rose and he sighed hard as he sat on the chair next to my bed, holding my hand that is not injected with an IV. I let him.

"I guess. I don't know. It might be because of the level 10 spell I just used. I remembered the side effects."

"You mean there are more?" He looked calm but I doubt he is. He was trying to looked calm. He is even griping my hand.

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