The Mage Epilogue

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"Lynx what is it? Why do you keep on covering your nose?" He hissed like a cat and back away from me.

"I can smell the Mountain Guardian's scent of marking on you. Even though he's a guardian, his original form is a wolf! That sick dog! To mark my Master like that!" He was pissed. I have never seen lynx without his usual stoic composure like this. He is from the brink of loosing his wits and I want to laugh at him.

"Come here Lynx." I patted my lap at him. He lift an eyebrow and took a step towards me but stop when he smelt Sig's scent on me.

"Just ignore his scent. Come here. Do I need to order you?" He frowned and hiss again but he slowly climb my bed and lie down next to me. His head on my lap. His long straight dark violet hair was all over the pillows. I had to stroke them off his face off his shoulders.

"I told you to tie your hair." It's not like I mind his hair down it's just I wanted to see his face not his hair. I stroke his smooth and silk like hair and he purrs against my thighs. Smiling, I caress his head.

"How are you feeling, Master?" He muttes as he stops my hand and brought it against his lips.

"Quite fine this past days. You guys keep on giving me so much energy that could last a lifetime thank you." I smile again as he kisses my palm and holds it with both hands.

"Do you know? I was scared too when I saw your.. your body fading." He wince and I stroke his fringe with my free hand, letting him relax.

"That's over now, Lynx."

"You never did mention what had happen. How you wanted so bad to reverse time. You never told anyone even your family. Why?" I tense up and Lynx just held my hand tighter as if edging me to go on. I sigh and close my eyes feeling Sig transfer warm energy in me, from his hands to my own and into my whole body.

"When I passed out in class it was not 4 weeks that had pass Lynx. When I woke up.." I lean back, keeping my eyes close as I remember those memories that hopefully will never happen again.

"When I woke up." I repeated..

"20 years passed. I was a living skeleton. Nothing but flesh and bones." Lynx looks up at me, his golden eyes wide and shaking. I smile a bit and nod.

"That was the toll for using Claire de Lune. My spirit's low and I knew it. I passed out not just because I was so overwhelm with anything. I used up most of my spirit and my body refused to wake up. When I did.. Two decades already passed. I woke up in that present and everyone changed except you and Sig. You both didn't age. Mom grew old. Uncle too. Then there's Dad. Dad got into an accident. All those years he blamed himself because of what happened to me. He got so much in depressed that he got lost track of his driving and got into an accident that changed him. He lost his logical mind.. He kept on having short term memory lost...

And you kept saying it's .. your fault."
I tell not Lynx but directly at him. James.

Lynx turn his head and move away from my lap when he saw James by the door. His eyes were wide.. And even from the distance I can see him trembling.

"I didn't want that... And I sold my spirit to the spell.. To turn back time so I can wake up when you can see and understand me when I say, dad.. All of these are not your fault."

He walks quietly towards me and without a word he climbs onto my bed and gather me into his arms.

"I.. understand." His words were shaken..but I know he means it. I know he can feel it still. That this is all his fault but it's not. It's not Dad. Okay?

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