The Mage Chap 2

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I woke up when the cold wind hits my face.

"Here." A second later I was engulfed by Sig's warm embrace. When I mean warm, really warm! Guess, I should not be surprised since he is not human.

"Nn." I end up nuzzling over his chest, inhaling his scent. The scent of pine and grass. Sig's smell.

"We better leave this place. Where should I go, Lucas?" I smirk when he didn't call me master.

"Hmm." I hummed and rub my cheek on the fabric of his shirt. Somehow I felt him tense a bit but his hold on me didn't loosen.

"Lucas." He said firmly.

"5 more minutes." I mumbled.

"Lucas." He hisses out. "It would greatly concern me if you catch a cold"

"I'm fine with that. I have you to take care of me." I said. For awhile he didn't speak so I look up to see him staring at me. His brows shaking at how deep he was frowning.

"Fine!" I said and recite a spell slowly. Our bodies disappears slowly as well then we land rather messily in a dark alley. Sig was fast enough to land on his feet and catch me. I end up laughing at his still deepening frown, patting his shoulder.

"Put me down." He did and he carries my backpack for me, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What?" I asked innocently and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Next time I do the teleporting."

"Yeah, yeah." I wave a hand at him and walk out of the alley knowing he was following me. I just kept walking with my mind floating else where. I always do that and


"Umpt!" .. run into someone.

"Lucas!" Sig and the man I run into helps me up since I miserably fell on my ass.

"I'm sorry! Are you alright, kid?" I look up at the tall man. His blue eyes met my own blue ones and I gaped at him then I frowned. Damn. He looks like a freaking actor!

"Lucas." I look up At Sig. I nod at his Are-You-Okay? look.

"Sorry." I said to the guy I bump into and walk off but stopping when my ankle stung.

"You're sprained?" The man asks. He was the one who held me up. I thought it was still Sig. I eyed Sig and he frowns at my feet. Guess he noticed too. He wears my backpack to his front then he grabs my arm, guiding me to his back. I snickered as I climb on his back. He's giving a 17 year old a piggy back.

"As you can see, I'll be fine." I said to the man but now he was eyeing, Sig which got me weary.

"Sig, let's go." I said but now he is eyeing that man too.

"The mountain wolf." He mutters but I heard him. "How..?" He looks as confuse as I am. Sig looks calm though. Still eyeing my injured feet not him.

"Come with me. I'll help you with that.." The man said and I met Sig's golden eyes.

"Should we?" I asked him.

"Whatever you wish." He says. I place my chin down his shoulder and shrugged. I know he'll protect me. Also, I can protect my self whatever may happen.

"Okay." I said, letting Sig follow the tall man.


"Lucas, please wake up." I was not asleep, just napping. There's a difference. Sig was just so warm for his own good. I wanted him to carry me forever if possible. I was being greedy like that.

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