The Mage Chap 8

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"Lucas..? Breakfast?" I heard Sig's hesitant call and felt his breath warm against my cheek. I hum out my reply as I disappear under the duvet.

"Lucas?" He sounded like a little boy afraid to wake his father up. I smiled without knowing and pick up the duvet, blinking to clear my vision of a smiling Sig.

"Good Morning." I answer hoarsely. He beamed at me.

"Good Morning, Lucas! Breakfast is ready." He smelt like bacon and flour. I'm guessing, pancakes, bacon and eggs. I manage a lazy smile as I nod. He pulls me up and drag me towards the kitchen. Somehow, I forgot all about yesterday with Sig trying to cheer me up all day. I was really disappointed at myself. I knew it that no matter what I do nothing will ever be enough. Only Sig made me feel like I'm wanted and that's because he has to, since I am the once who practically gave him life. Goodness, that sounded like I birthed him. Anyway.. That is somehow correct. In a way.

"How about the job?" He is staring at the clock. Right.. Katherine didn't come today even though it's a school day. Plus by this hour we should be heading out to the restaurant. Also..

This day happens to be my birthday.

"Sig, it's my birthday today." He look up at me with a mouth full of bacon.

"Birthday?" He mumbled.

"You know birthdays right?" He think for awhile then he nod.

"I'll bake a cake!" He jump off his seat.

"Sit down first and finish your food!" I scolded and he sat back quickly. I snickered when he pouted. He's such a kid. I can't even imagine that he's the same guy that kissed me. Ugh! Why the hell am I thinking about that damn kiss?!

"Sig will you stay here and bake and let me stroll around for a bit? I just want to be alone for awhile." He grab my arm and shook his head.

"Sig, please. I'll be back after an hour. Promise."

"No! You ordered me to be by your side at all cost!" His scowls. The expression thay doesn't suit his face makes me sigh. He really wanted to make this difficult.

"Then I order you to leave me alone for an hour and bake the damn cake!" I grab his nape and give him a quick kiss on the lips. It's just a kiss anyway.

"Understood?" His golden eyes grew darker as he stared blankly at me. "I'm sorry. Just give me an hour." I said and left the apartment. I saw him reach out for my hand but he caught his self and stared at his hand then at me. I smiled apologetically at him.

"Lock the door." I said and walk away. As soon as I got out, I lit a cigarette and blew out the smoke. The smell stuck to my nose, making me squint my eyes. I place my hands in the pockets of my jacket and walk away. Wandering aimlessly is what I am used too before. I got used to Sig's company but I needed this. I always do this on my birthdays. Neither Rachel nor Rick remembers my birthday. When they do it would be on a different date and they would just give me money and couldn't care less. I sighed and went in a restobar. I sat on the stool and ordered a hard drink.

"You legal age yet kiddo?"

"Hmm. Just turn legal so give me a bottle. Also it's my birthday so give me a good booze." I gave the bartender an extra tip and he smirked. I smoke almost all my sticks and finished my fifth glass and the drink was already making me super nauseous. I discard my last bud of cigar on the ashtray and pick up my drink when a hand appeared and snatch my drink.

"Oyy!! What's -hick!- wrong with you?!- hick! - Give me back my birthday booze, James!" I look up and he was smelling my drink! You were to drink it not smell it! Stuuuupid.

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