The Mage Chap 3

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"Smoking is unhealthy." I ignored him and just stared up at the darkening sky. Thick dark clouds covering the full moon.

"Lucas." He takes the cigarette off between my lips, making the ash fell off with it. He flicks it over the rails and proceed on taking the box of cigarette from my hand.

"What is in your mind? Why won't you speak to me?" He spoke.. His voice was soft, quiet.. as if he'll scare me to death if his voice got a little louder.

I was a Mage?

A sorcerer? I figured as much. What is this? A fucking Harry Potter movie? Yeah right. I guess that man we met only put the icing on the cake. I already knew anyway. I was a freak show. Maybe that's why my parent's hated me so much that they would let me run off. I don't even hate them for that. Fuck, I was even thankful. I can never get close with my half-siblings. They hated me too, of course. Everyone eventually do.

No one actually wanted somene like me.

I even summon a mythical creature. Some Mountain spirit God of some sort. Just to have someone to accompany me. Even for awhile..

"Would you ever hate me, Sig?" I said suddenly and he stared impassively at me.

"Maybe, I shouldn't have summoned you. It was unfair having you here."

"What are you saying, Lucas?" Did his voice shake? Why? He is mad at me. I thread a hand on my hair and started chanting. A spell.

So Sig can return back..

"Please! Please don't. Master please.." I look up at him. He was behind me. Covering my mouth. I didn't finish the spell but his human body was fading into smoke.

"I can't leave. I won't leave you. Please don't." He wrapped his free arm around my waist, tight.

"Please.." Why is he shaking? Am I too cruel to push him away? He wouldn't want me as his master right? I take his hand off and met his eyes. He was wincing as if what I did hurts him.

"I am glad that you summoned me. I was waiting for so long. Please don't bring me back. Master.. " He cling to me, hiding his face against the back of my head.

"I'm sorry." I said and he tightened his arms around me.


"Don't make me leave you!" I froze at his words. Am I? I am pushing him. Sighing, I reach over my shoulder to feel his hair. I inhaled deep and let out a shaky breath.

"Alright." I give up.

"I order you." He shot his head up. His eyes piercing gold, feline like eyes met mine.

"Never.. leave my side." I smiled at him as his eyes grew wide.

"Mast--" He caught his self and smiled back at me. "..Lucas. I will."

He leans at me and I caught his head before What I think was he gonna do, happen.

"What's the big idea?" He looks confused. What?! He was gonna.. Geez!! A ghostly wolf or not! He was in human form! A guy at that!

"Seal. We need to seal the order." He said as if he was not aware on how we seal this 'order'. Fucking hell I would seal that!

"No! I'll turn you back to smoke if you kiss me! I am a man, Sig!"

"Lucas?" He eyed me. Big golden eyes stared at me innocently. Really?!

"Once an order is said we need to seal it." He simply said. I gaped at him. What?!

"No." I hissed out and he.. He! He's pouting?! What?! Why did he look like a dog now with his ears down, begging for a treat with those big eyes?! Fuck it. It is just a kiss! Plus he is not even human. I closed my eyes tight.

"Fine! Do it quick!" I was not anticipating this.. But his lips, when it touch mine.. It was.. weird. Good, weird. I gasp out when his warm breath mix with the softness and warmth of his lips hit me. I was about to pull back quickly but he didn't let me. He cup both sides of my face with his big hands. Those long fingers, threading through my hair as he push his tongue down my throat! The fuck is this dog doing?! Push him! I was! Why am I fighting with my subconscious?! He won't budge, idiot! Of course he won't, he's stronger than you ten-fold, Einstein. Fuck! Stop! S-stop..

"Nn.." My knees shakes almost unfolding.. I was completely melting in his arms. By one kiss!

"Lucas?" He looks down at me with that big fucking puppy eyes. Like he didn't do anything violating! I was blushing like a freaking tomato and it's as if nothing happened to him! I'm gonna kill this stupid dog!


"L-Lucas?! M-Master?! What did I do?!" I run after him but he just shifted back into a wolf and floated to the far corner of the ceiling.

"Lucas, let go of the lamp please." When did I grab this?

"Ugh!" I place it back down on the table and I groaned again. "A kiss?! A kiss?!! That is not just a fucking kiss! You were sucking my tongue!" I flushed and even in his wolf form he was eyeing me innocently. Innocent my ass!


"No buts! You sleep on the floor! Bad dog." I huff and lie on my bed. I'll sleep this off. Now. Sleep. But you liked it, didn't you? Shut up!! Ugh. I'm going nuts.

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