The Mage Epilogue Part 2

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Lynx and Kyle

"A mate?" I am now talking with this stupid Wolf. I hope he can answer my questions though.

"Do you think it's because of Lucas? Is it rubbing onto me as well?"

"Might be.. Or maybe it's fate. If I am release from the curse, I'll be more surprise if you weren't." Ugh, sometimes this Mountain Guardian can be insightful.

"What will you do then? Human right?"

"You can stay with him as long as you won't forget who your master is. Lucas will be devastated if you leave without explaining anything." I know that, idiot.

"Explain what?" Me and Sig turn in unison to him, Lucas. He said he needed to talk to his biological mother. I can't believe Sig let him. I won't but since it was my Master's will then I have no say in this.

"Master, can we talk?" I start after a sigh.

"We are. Now what is it?" I frown at Sig's smirk.

"Privately without a dog snooping around." I walk out of the kitchen knowing Lucas will follow me. I went up his room and he tails behind me.

"So, what is it?"

"Master," I pause and he closes the distance between us, lifting his hand to stroke my hair over my shoulder. I always forget he wanted my hair tied.

"Talk, Lynx."

He regards my expression knowing too well that I don't show them much.

"I think, I have found my Mate." I watch as those emerald eyes widened.

"What?" He says after being agonizingly quiet for few seconds.

"I just.. well I just felt him. While I was wondering about he found me. Also, I've known him since he was a child. He was the boy who always come to the Forest I am guarding." I explained and he nodded slowly.

"Okay.." That's it?

"That's all you'll say to me?" I deadpan and he chuckled, patting both my shoulders.

"I say, okay. You can go to him. Though.." The sadness I saw from those eyes surprised me.

"You'll not disappear on me right?" Disappear huh, Master? You did that to us once.

"You almost did that to us, Master Lucas. The pain and sadness is something I will never let you feel. You will always be my Master, Lucas. I might have a Mate but I will never ever leave you." He smiled and hugged me. He's warm.. like Kyle was. When Lucas hugs me.. it felt similar..

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