11. Mask

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I wear a mask,
It's pretty and sweet,
Happy and discrete,
It makes me look confident and okay,
Just so that no one will notice my decay,

I wear a mask,
Not made with glitter and glue,
It's simply just what I look like to you,
Because in fact this mask is my own,
And only comes off when I'm alone,

This mask I wear,
Is used to deceive,
Everyone around me just to make them believe,
That I am doing just fine,
This mask has a duplicate design,

This mask I wear,
I have been using it for a while,
It tricks many it is my smile,
For it is the greatest makeup to hide how I feel,
Everything I wish to hide it does conceal,

My mask is my smile,
It hides the darkness I feel every night,
It keeps things easy everyone thinks that I'm alright,
Because if I were to take it off one day,
Would anyone even want to stay,

My mask is my smile,
Oh how easy it is to show my teeth and beam,
Whilst under my mask my mind does scream,
Because if anyone ever saw me without my mask as a disguise,
Would they even care about the tears in my eyes,

This mask is powerful,
It does trick and mislead,
So people don't think for a second that I make myself bleed,
And they believed me through the mask when I said that it was my cat,
Because how could such a kind and funny girl be doing that,

This mask is powerful,
Because when I do want someone to talk to,
When I want to open up to you,
No one takes me seriously or thinks I'm really that depressed,
Because to them only a smile from my mask is ever expressed,

This mask can break,
It is worn and fraying,
Recently it has started disobeying,
It has allowed my tears and blood to seep through a little too much,
It is becoming oh so fragile to touch,

This mask can break,
I am afraid that my mask will soon shatter,
Next time someone asks me if I'm okay the pieces will scatter,
It will fall and break into a thousand pieces in front of me,
And I too will break and the truth beneath the mask they will see,

I wear a mask,
This mask I wear,
It is merely the smile I bear,
It is powerful and misleading,
And soon it will break and show my heart bleeding.

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