16. I am now a poet

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I have lost the ability to cry,
At my darkest hour no tear can leave my eye,
I yearn to be in that comforting yet vulnerable place,
Alone with nothing but a tear falling down my face,

Craving for a release I discovered a selfish solution,
One which offered the greatest pleasure but put my skin in execution,
It replaced the sting of the tears which I'd so dearly longed for,
However it wasn't long before someone told me I couldn't do this anymore,

So I pulled out paper fresh and clean,
Which I let myself bleed across seeping through to the pages in between,
The red blood will be the ink for writing my souls pain,
And I will use up so much that I will have an empty vein,

I am now a poet onto paper I bleed,
Words so dark no one should ever read,
Unlike most instead of crying I bleed onto paper in a way so raw and exposed,
That these words I bleed should never be disclosed,

Words which pour out of my soul from my bleeding heart,
And with my writing there is never an end or a start,
It has fluidity, always flowing and free,
Onto the paper it bleeds for my words to be,

What I write is the purest form of self expression,
All raw and honest, full of indiscretion,
If anyone were to read what would they remark,
At the fact that I bear a mind so dark,

To write is my way of crying and bleeding,
The paper takes the weight of my mind receding,
Into darkness so black I can see,
Nothing but the false hope of my mind one day being free,

The words cascade from my blood,
Onto the paper drenching it like a flood,
I have pages full to write at once which I can't put on paper fast enough,
The paper is soaked with so much emotion it becomes rough,

I indulge myself into writing,
It helps to release the jaws of the thoughts in my mind biting,
At my bones and skin which normally makes my blood drip out,
However when writing I'm using the ink, causing a temporary drought,

This is my new way of coping now,
The release I find in crying and bleeding it mostly does allow,
And I am now a poet, onto paper I bleed,
Words so dark no one can ever read.

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