14. A letter to my head

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Dear my head,
Why do you cause me such sadness and blue,
Which some days is overwhelmingly tough to get through,
And other days when I don't have much to be sad about,
You still manage to never let me go without,

Why do you cause my thoughts to spiral and spin,
And you always allow my anxiety to win,
You make my hands cold sweat and shake,
And fill me with worry over making a silly little mistake,

Why do you cause me to feel depressed,
Tortured by the darkness is this your request,
Do you wish to cause me such pain and sorrow in my dear heart,
Because if so you're doing a good job at tearing me apart,

Why do you cause me to result to this coping solution,
When it is nothing but my wrist in execution,
Because I know that it is not healthy or the mechanism I should use,
Yet you still managed to get me addicted to this form of self abuse,

Why do you cause me to push away my friends who are there,
By making me think that they don't care,
And at night you make me feel so deeply alone,
Lost in my thoughts staring into the dark unknown,

And why do you allow me to cry when no one is around,
Yet you build up a drought at day so no tear can be found,
Because you force me to hide my feelings so deep deep down,
Just so at night you can take pleasure in watching me drown,

I try to tell you that I can't do this anymore,
Because I feel like I'm losing your war,
And because of you I can no longer think clearly,
Yours sincerely.

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