15. Silence

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I think that silence hurts more than the truth sometimes,
The truth is always raw and real,
When someone tells you the truth you can immediately feel,
And grieve for when she tells you that she doesn't want to be your friend anymore,
She offers closure and reasoning before,
She leaves but at least you get to say,
Your anger and pain before she walks away,

However silence hurts more,
Because one day you realise recently she hasn't spoken to you,
And you message and call her too,
She ghosts you for a while, makes excuses,
Her silence abuses,
And eventually you stop reaching out,
Because when she does not care why should you devout,
Yet deep down your heart is shattering into a million pieces inside,
And you're losing count over how many times you've cried,
Because the unknown of what you did to make her like this,
And why one day she decided to leave an abyss,
Kills more than an honest reply,
Because without closure or a goodbye,
Who are you to not think that you didn't ever make her cry,

She left in silence,
It was piercing and cut your heart forever,
Because her leaving in silence one random day was very clever,
Because she left and moved on easily winning the game,
And left you leaving only yourself to blame.

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