21. "Are you ok?"

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I want someone to talk to,
So I can relive from seeing everything in blue,
And even with friends near,
I still feel like there is no one I can talk to here,

Because for a while my emotions I've been feeling,
And my thoughts from my mind have been unreeling,
And I think I've spiralled down into a dark unknown,
Where I feel everything and nothing all alone,

Yet into words my thoughts and feeling will not go,
Because I don't even know how to describe why I'm feeling so,
Low and blue but it's all too much,
And I have no one to tell I'm feeling as such,

Because I don't want to burden my family and friends,
Because that I've done before and know how it ends,
They always leave and never stay,
And it's always just when I start to feel once again okay,

For a while I've been in blue and my mind was pleading,
For a release so I turned to bleeding,
For it is not the best way to cope,
Yet all alone it was my best hope,

And for now that mechanism I've stopped using,
But I don't know how long it will last before I start again abusing,
My skin as to release my hurt through my tears and blood,
Because without anyone to talk to my thoughts will soon flood,

In one sense I wish someone would ask,
How I am, just so I can drop the mask,
I wear to conceal the blue I am drowning in,
The darkness which might soon win,

I want someone to offer me their shoulder so I can cry,
And someone to give me a hug without asking why,
To want to help me and show that they care,
Because for them I am always there,

And I don't know how to escape this blue on my own,
With no other release than to bleed to the bone,
Because talking to someone who wants to listen to what i say,
Might just take a little bit of the blue away.

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