Part 4- Surprise!

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"Fuck if I know," I replied. I quickly pulled on my clothes. Samantha turned around.

"How are you not affected?" Samantha asked randomly.

"By what?"

"Aiden. He's hot! Hasn't he tried to come on to you?"

I scoffed. "That pervy? Who hasn't he tried to come on to?"

"So... That's a yes?" Samantha asked. I nodded. "What did you do?" she asked curiously.

"Geez, I'm starting to feel like a celebrity, Samantha. I have no interest in Aiden at all." I said slowly. Samantha dropped the subject.

"You wanna go grab brunch? The Caf's open until after dinner." Samantha suggested.

I agreed. I grabbed my keys, and followed Samantha out the door. The elevator was already coming down, so we patiently waited. The sliding doors opened to reveal Janice, Janet, and Janee. They glared at us, while I just rolled my eyes, and pulled Samantha into the elevator.

"You know Janice is really pissed?" Janet questioned. Ugh, her voice was all nasally, and annoying.

"That's nice to know," I replied.

"Janice let you kick her ass," Janee added. Her voice was deep. Is she a freakin' man? O.O

"I'm sure she did," I responded. Finally, Janice talked. At least her voice was normal.

"Listen, Cameron-"

"It's Carson." Samantha interjected.

"-Whatever. If you think I'm gonna let you get away with that stunt you pulled yesterday, then think again." Janice said, ominously.

"Oh, I'm so scared! Is that a threat?" I asked.

"No it's a promise." Janet finished.

The elevator dinged, and Samantha pulled me out before I could respond.


After we finished our eggs and toast, we walked to "the quad." A couple of guys were out there, playing soccer. One made their way over to us. He was wearing a blue polo, khaki shorts, and some sneakers.

He had shaggy, light-brown hair. But it was the good shaggy: The kind that was messy, but still managed to swoop into his eyes. By the way, his eyes were a greenish-blue. His skin was in between tan, and pale.

"Hi," Samantha said, shyly. But this stranger was looking at me. I did a slight wave.

"My name is Ryan Sanchez. And who might you be?" he asked me. Samantha took the hint, and wandered off down the field.

"Carson Peters."

"Ah, yes. You're the one rooming with Aiden. By the way, it was hysterical to see Janice get her ass kicked. It takes guts. Just so you know, I don't believe the rumors," he added.

"Thank God. I don't need any more drama." I sighed.

"Well, watch your back. Janice isn't one who loses easily."

"Yo Ryan!" a couple of guys called.

"I gotta go," he said.

"I room in 5B. Stop by, and we'll chat." I waved goodbye.

Samantha sprinted toward me.

"No, he did not ask me out on a date." I answered before she asked.

"If you say so... So, what do you wanna do now?"

"Erm... wanna go swimming?"

Fastforward- 2 weeks later. 9:00 p.m.

There was a soft knock on the door. I opened it to see that it was Ryan. Good thing, too. Janice hasn't made any more threats, and I've been staying out of trouble. To top it off, Ryan and I have been hanging out a lot. I think we're hitting it off.

"I need help," Ryan said.

"Hi, Ryan. How are you, too?" I joked. "Okay, shoot."

"How do you ask someone out?" he asked. My heart dropped a couple of inches.

"Erm... you have to be spontaneous. Make sure she remembers it. And you have to know if the time is right."

"How do I know when the time is right?" he asked.

"You'll just know. You'll feel it in your gut," I stated.

"Oh," was all he said.

I couldn't take it anymore. "Who do you like?" I blurted.

"Can't say. I don't know if she likes me."

"Does she tease you?" I asked.


"Blush a lot around you?"


"Act like one of the guys?"


Dammit, I thought to myself. "Well, the signs are clear," I stated with dread.

"What if it's not about the signs?"

"Listen, Ryan. Just ask her-" I was cut off by his lips meeting mine.

"Wh-what was that for?" I asked stupidly.

"Carson, I want you to be my girlfriend."

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