Part 8- Lies And Secrets

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I sat there, and moped for about fifteen minutes, before making my way to Samantha's room. It was unlocked, so I just walked in. "Hello?" I called out.

There was no answer. It was 7:00; she must've been at dinner right now. I noticed her computer was on a chat box. Slowly, I crept towards it, and scrolled through the history. I clicked on the latest chat between Samantha and Janice. Curiously, I clicked on it.

Janiisexii- Hey! :)

Sammyrox- Hey! How was your night with Ryan? ;)

Janiisexii- It was rough. But in the end, it was worth it.

Sammyrox- Omg. Did you guys "do it?"

Janiisexii- He didn't want to at first.

Sammyrox- What? How'd you convince him?

Janiisexii- I drugged him.

Sammyrox- So he won't remember?

Janiisexii- Nope. But I will ;)

I closed the chat box with a gasp. Somehow, I found myself at Dining Hall, scanning the room for Ryan. I spotted him in the center of the cafeteria with Kyle, Samantha, and some other people. Damn, why couldn't he be in the corner of the room? I took a deep breath, and walked to Ryan. He looked at me, and his grin slipped.

"Hey, Ryan," I said awkwardly.


"I need to talk to you." I grabbed his arm, and pulled him just inside the double doors of the dining hall.

"Carson, make it quick. I don't have time for your shit."

"I know you weren't lying. But you were.."

"What?" Ryan asked in confusion.

"You did sleep with Janice, but she drugged you. So you don't remember. I read her confession. Long story." I said, all in one big breath. "Will you take me back? I'm sorry for accusing you."

"Carson...  I can't." Ryan said hesitantly.

"What? Why not?" I asked.

"I like you, Carson. I really do. But you can't keep a guy like me waiting."

"What are you saying?" I asked, my vision starting to get blurry.

"I've met someone else..."

"Who?" I whimpered.

"Janet Sinclair." Ryan looked away.

My face screwed up in disgust. Without another word, I made my way over to my friends. By then, the tears that threatened to fall had subsided.

Fast Forward- First Day of School

I glanced at the clock. Ugh, five more minutes until history class was over. Today kicked off the first day of school at Riding Hill Academy. I chose to wear my hair in a high, but loose, side ponytail. I was sporting a neon yellow baggy Tee, knee-length denim shorts, neon pink leggins, and yellow high tops.  I looked like I stepped out of a hot tub time machine. LOl, I love that movie. :)

The bell rang, and I hurried on to biology on the 5th floor. The teacher had black hair slicked back into a low bun. She was Asian. "Hello, class. Pick your seats, but be careful. As you will be there for the rest of the year." Mrs. Chen smiled warmly.

I sat in a seat at the back of the room in the center. The tables had two chairs each. The same guy from my history class sat down next to me. He had black hair, pale skin, and blue eyes.

"I'm David."

I nodded, while plugging my earphones into my iPod, and then into my ears. Since it was our first day, Mrs. Chen let us have a free period. Turns out, she was much nicer than Mr. Thomas, my history teacher. The rest of the day flew by fast. Ms. Simms was my 3rd period gym teacher. Mrs. Atkins was my 4th period algebra teacher. I had lunch 5th period. Mr. Richards was my 6th period English teacher. And Mr. Rue [Yes, I know. That his name is Mr. Street in french. But oh wells. I suck major cow balls at French >.<]. I has Ms. Oswald was my 8th period drama teacher.

At the end of the day, I signed up for the volleyball team, and made it. Then I signed up for the school play, and got the lead role of Cassidy Rodricks. What? I like to keep myself busy. By the end of the school day, it was 4:00 p.m. I had three hours left until dinner, which was taken over by homework.

Ugh, by the time I finished my homework, it was 6:30 p.m. Casually, I strolled to Dining Hall in my hippie getup. The cafeteria was empty. I guess people don't like to get to places early here.

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