Part 6- So wrong, but so Useful

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Kyle, Samantha, Ryan, and I were eating, and discussing my little surprise. Ryan and Kyle couldn't stop laughing, while Samantha nibbled at her food.

"What's wrong?" I mouthed to her.

"Time of month," she mouthed back. What a lie. I ignored it for now.

After breakfast, we made our way to the tennis courts for a couple rounds of tennis. After about thirty minutes of me failing miserably at tennis, we decided to stop playing.

"We'll meet you at Presley in a few!" I called out to Kyle and Ryan. They nodded, and continued to walk. I turned back to Samantha.

"Why are you over-reacting about the Janice thing?" I asked.

"Janice and I... are cousins," Samantha said hesitantly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I shouted.

"I didn't want you to stop being my friend..." Samantha mumbled.

"Some friend you are... I can't believe you would keep that from me." I turned my back on Samantha, and strided towards Presley. I didn't look back once.

"Hey, where's Samantha?" Kyle asked when he saw me.

"Can you believe it? Janice is her cousin! What kind of friend hides that?" I seethed.

Kyle and Ryan exchanged a look. "Oh my God. You knew?" I asked.

"No. It's just... I think you could've cut her some slack. She was just trying to protect you." Kyle said.

"How? If she was trying to protect me, she would kick that girl's ass. That bitch payed someone to rape me!" I shouted, not caring how many people stopped to stare. Ryan didn't say anything. "I need time alone." I mumbled, before sprinting into Presley.

I slammed my door shut. "What's wrong?" Aiden asked.

"It's nothing." I shuffled over to my bed, and flopped down on it.

"Is it Janice?" Aiden whispered.

I laughed in spite. "That bitch tried to pay some one to rape me. And my supposed friend, Samantha, is her cousin."

Aiden shook his head. "What are you gonna do? She's the headmaster's niece..." Aiden said. Greattt.

"I think... It would be best if I leave Riding Hills," I whispered.

"What? You can't leave." Aiden protested. He's never seemed so nice and caring.

"And why not?" I snapped.

"Well, everyone will miss you."

"Oh really? Who here would miss me?" I questioned.

"There's Ryan. Kyle. Samantha-"

"I don't care about Samantha."

"-and me." Aiden finished.

"Why would you miss me? That's a lie." I sneered.

"Forget it."


"Nevermind I said anything."

I groaned. Why must everyone be so mixed up? As if the day couldn't have gotten worse, Janice stormed into the room. I have got to start remembering to lock the door.

"Ugh, what do you want, now?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"I know it was you. You did it!" she screamed.

"I did what?" I mocked Janet's infamous confused face.

"You know what you did! Bitch! You put a snake in my bed, while I was in it! I could've died!"

I chuckled. "I could've died when you left me in the woods to be raped by a stranger. And it was a garden snake, totally harmless. Get over yourself, you're so not worth going to jail for."

Janice's jaw hit the floor. "Well, wait until I tell my uncle!"

"While you're at it, tell him you tied me up in the middle of the woods, and payed Jonah to rape me." I smirked, knowing I had won.

Janice groaned, and stormed out of the room. She slammed the door behind her. Poor door :(. I pulled out my phone, and texted Samantha.

|Meet me at Forde Hall?| I texted.

|Rnt u mad at me?| she texted back.

|STFU! R u coming or not?| I asked.

|*Sigh*. Wht do I have to lose?|

I grabbed my keys, and walked out the door, grumbling to myself about Samantha. When I arrived at the recreation building, Samantha was already there, just as I had asked.

"Samantha, why would you hide something like that?" I asked.

"I didn't come here to be interrogated Deputy Peters," Samantha snapped sarcastically.

"I'll be your friend, again. I just need to know why."

"I don't need any friends! Don't you see that? I thought I could have a frest start with a new friend. But nope, you had to find out about Janice!" Samantha ranted.

"You told me about her." I said awkwardly.

"Even Laileen doesn't talk to me! My own roommate! You and Kyle were the only friends I had!" Samantha ripped out a piece of her hair. Ouch!

"I didn't know you felt that way, Samantha. Why didn't you just tell me from the beginning. I would've understood," I said sympathetically.

Samantha's features softened. "I'm sorry. I'm really am, Carson. It's just Janice has so much power, and she could easily drop me like last season's swimsuits."

"I understand. I forgive you." I lied about the first part.

"Friends again?"

"On one condition." I didn't wait for her to respond. "You can't get mad if I do anything to Janice. That's what started this whole mess."

"Deal." We linked arms, and walked back to Presley. We stopped when we heard voices coming from my room.

"Come on, baby. Let's take this to the next level," I heard, no doubt, Janice's voice.

"Janice, don't call me that. I'm over you. Remember, you cheated on me with Ryan?"

"C'mon! You know I didn't mean it. I was stupid and young then."

"You're stupid now." I heard Janice gasp. To this, I grinned. "Besides, I like Carson, now." Now, it was my turn to gasp. "But it'll never happen, because she's with Ryan now. She probably thinks I'm some nasty perv."

"I don't think you're a nasty pervert." The voices got closer, so I grabbed Samantha, and took off.

So Aiden likes me? Interesting....

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