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Jasper asked, "What can you sense about vampires?"

Elizabet shrugged as she thought, "As I said, golden eyes, red eyes, Chosen Ones, they all have auras. Red eyes seem to be the darkest of them. Golden eyes are definitely lighter, when the Sun Ch- vampires first fed, the ones who refused to feed on human blood and turned to that of animals instead had golden eyes. It was a symbol of their compassion toward the humans. The red eyes signified the blood lust for human blood. Silver eyes are hard to come by."

Alice questioned, "Silver? I've never heard of that."

Elizabet looked at her and explained, "Of course you haven't, they aren't really known to exist anymore."

"How did vampires with silver eyes happen?" Jasper asked.

Elizabet shrugged, "The first Su- vampires had silver eyes as a symbol of their purity. When they began feeding on blood, they didn't really exist anymore. If you come across a newborn who hasn't drank blood yet, at all, their eyes will turn silver, depending on how long they had gone. Usually a few hours. Which is why they aren't really a thing anymore."

Elizabet trailed off, mostly speaking to herself now. She wasn't used to talking to people and when she talked about something as natural as magic, she tended to lose herself in it, "Come to think of it, Carlisle seemed to have a more pure aura than any vampire I've ever seen. He might have been a silver eyes once."

Alice spoke, "Well, when he was first changed, he fought off the hunger for weeks. When he finally fed, it was never human blood."

Elizabet nodded, "That explains it."

"Witches can also sense mates and your coven seems to be full of them...except you two."

Alice spoke awkwardly, "Yea, we never dated. Jazz and I are great friends."

To change the subject, Jasper asked, "You keep saying something. Sun Child?"

She trailed off again, quickly taken away from the subject as she go lost in her magic talk again, "When the vampires were first created, they were known as Sun Children because their skin glittered like diamonds in the sun; another sign of their purity. It's the only thing that seemed to have stayed the same, really. So many things changed over the millenniums."

Through the night, Elizabet told Alice and Jasper more about the vampires and the stories behind them, their creation, their history, and the things witches had a hand in.

"How do you know so much about this?" Alice asked.

Elizabet spoke, "Well, apart from being one, when they reach the age of fourteen, which is considered the age a witch can truly become independent or officially join a coven, all of witch history, every single tale, story, and fact about witches, is sealed into a witch's mind. I don't know why fourteen is the witch age of independence, given the fact that witches are not very good at keeping themselves safe. It's said so in the lore."

Jasper spoke, "That doesn't make sense. From what you've said, witches should be one of the most powerful creatures in the world. And, lore isn't always true..."

"Well, we couldn't get rid of vampires when we first tried to after we realized what we had created wasn't...the best. So, I don't really think that's the most powerful thing in the world." Elizabet brought up.

Jasper shrugged, "You said it yourself, the spirits told witches to make vampires to protect humans from any kind of harm. Witches included."

Elizabet spoke, "Yea. I'm pretty sure we blame the spirits for that. They did hand-pick the Chosens, who were the reason we couldn't defeat them in the first place."

Alice smiled a little, a tiny giggle escaping her lips. Elizabet smiled, too, she had never spoken so much in her life. Especially not after she was picked up by her old coven.

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