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As the day went by, Elizabet finished with the dress fitting and helped get the guests settled in.

Since Elizabet was still part of the New Orleans coven, they were all coming to the wedding. When Alice learned of this, she rushed to make everything perfect. She was happy to be seeing them again, but she had to make a few changes.

Of course, Elizabet wouldn't know what the changes were. She didn't get to help with any of the planning. All she did was pick out her dress and say 'yes'.

When she and the girls saw Romina, they jumped into her hugs. "Mother! It's so great to see you again!" Elizabet exclaimed.

She smiled, hugging all of them back, "And it's great to see you darlings!"

She looked at Jasper and told him with a hug, "Congratulations, Jasper. You've got a wonderful bride and you'll make a wonderful husband."

Elizabet smiled, catching up with Romina with the girls. They brought her to the house Carlisle had gotten built for them and Romina loved it.

"It's so nice. We could fit all the witches in here," she marveled.

Mariah nodded, "Yes, we were thinking of how to grow the coven. We would need a bigger space, and a big house with a little bit of magic would perfectly suit it."

"Have you gotten any recruits yet for your coven?" She asked.

Elizabet shrugged, "As you know, we're the only witches in Washington, so recruiting is a little hard."

"But we've been sending owls to some of the neighboring covens, getting in contact so we had connections," Jasper added.

Eileen nodded, "They've agreed to keep in touch and send any willing witch on their own our way. No word yet, but we're hopeful."

Romina smiled and nodded, "Well, the witches should be headed here now. The flight would be too troublesome and the coven was so big, we had to teleport instead. It took a lot of magic."

They stepped in front of the house in the large space and waited for the coven to arrive. Then they started coming in groups of two to four. The witches and warlocks, men, women, and children, headed over and gave their congratulations to Elizabet.

"Elizabet!" The little eight-year-old redhead yelled, heading over. Elizabet smiled, holding her arms out for the young witch running for her.

She picked up the little girl and smiled, "Charlie! It's been too long, little witch! How is your magic coming along?"

Charlie smiled wide as she answered, "Great! I learned how to turn my wand into a bracelet!"

Romina smiled, "She's turning into a wonderful young witch. May be a coven leader as well, one day."

Charlie smiled proudly and heard barks. She turned around happily to see her bear familiar, Cooper, but as a big, brown, fluffy Newfoundland dog. He barked with his deep sound and ran over, his big ears flopping everywhere.

He put a paw in Elizabet's hand when she brought it down to scratch him, "Hi, Liszt." He greeted, his voice happy and cheerful, just like that of a child's.

She scratched his head, "Hey, Coop. You still lazy?"

"As a couch potato," he beamed proudly and laid down in the grass then. She laughed as Freya headed over, jumping on his stomach with a yip.

He groaned but didn't move. She smiled, "Hello, Cooper! You're squishier than before."

He didn't move, just laid there and said, "And you have more energy. It's exhausting."

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