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"I don't like this, Elizabet," Jasper spoke.

"I know, Jazz, but I have to. If this goes sideways, I may be the only person that could help," she explained, looking out of the window.

"I know, but," He said, "you could get yourself killed! The Volturi are the reason witches are hunted down and you're marching right up to them. May I remind you, you are a witch, darlin'."

Elizabet nodded as she chewed on her lip, "I'll only 'march right up to them' if I have to. Edward's my family, too, I can't let him do this and I have to help."

Jasper understood, but he was still reluctant to let her go.Elizabet sighed and gave him some words of insurance, "Don't worry about me. I'll use a spell to make me appear as a vampire, golden eyes and all, if I have to meet them. I'll be safe, I promise. I have magic and I can defend myself. Don't fret."

"I'm going to worry about you," his tone was softer as he spoke, "How could I not? Just promise me you'll have the situation handled at all times."

Elizabet nodded, "I promise, Jasper. You have my word."

Jasper sighed before telling her sincerely, "I love you. Stay safe."

She smiled, "I love you, too. I'll be back before you know it."

"You better," there was a smile in his tone at his last words. He muttered another 'I love you' into the phone before hanging up hesitantly.

Bella asked, doing anything to keep her mind off of driving her crazy, "When did you and Jasper happen?"

She shrugged with one shoulder, "After the party-gone-wrong. He was beating himself up about it and I went to comfort him and then, boom."

She nodded, turning back to the front, "It's about time."

Elizabet smiled and shied away with a small blush. Silence settled in and Bella got antsy again. "How close are we?" Elizabet asked.

Alice answered, "About less than half an hour."

Bella set her head on the back of her seat as she waited impatiently.


Alice sped down the road, narrowly avoiding cars as she drove. Bella and Elizabet were gripping onto the seat and dashboard as the car jerked from side to side.

Bella asked, "How much time do we have?"

"He's waiting till noon when the sun's at its highest," Alice said, "He's going to make the Volturi change their minds."

"It's almost noon now," Bella said, checking her watch.

Alice spoke, "There's Volterra." She glanced at Elizabet, "Are you sure you're ready for this? It could be dangerous, you could-"

"Alice," she interrupted, "I've been training to better my magic for months. I've gotten stronger than the scared little witch than you first met. I can handle this, you don't need to worry about me."

Alice nodded as she sped even faster to Volterra. It was a medieval fortified village atop a hill. Elizabet had to admit, it was beautiful, but what lied inside of it would probably be not so much.

The narrow, centuries-old streets were crowded with festival revelers who all wore red. They gaily headed toward the town square, carrying red pendants, balloons, and scarves. The Porsche weaved through them, hurrying forward.

"Why are they all wearing red?" Bella asked.

Elizabet spoke, "If I remember correctly, it's called the Saint Marcos Day festival. The city holds a celebration every year. As the legend goes, the Christian missionary, a Father Marcus-"

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