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Carlisle asked confusedly, "The Sun Children?"

Elizabet screwed her eyes shut and shook her head, "Oh, that's right. Sorry, witch talk. Vampires aren't damned."

"Then you and I agree - Edward doesn't believe there's an afterlife for our kind. He thinks we've lost our souls." Carlisle explained.

Elizabet shook her head, her eyes slightly glazing over with golden hints dancing in them as she spoke of some of the witch history seared into her mind. "The Sun Children were made with people who had souls big enough to contain the powers they would be given. And, if they were to pass on, they were given a special place with the ancestors. When red eyes and golden eyes came to be, those who died with red eyes would be put in the afterlife the spirits placed the traitors while the golden eyes were given a place with the purest of the witches."

When she stopped speaking, she shook her head and closed her eyes. She apologized, "Sorry. Witch talk. When we speak of our history, it comes from our ancestors before us. Like we're in a daze. It's...definitely a trip once you leave it..."

Carlisle only shook his head, "Don't apologize. You and your kind are very fascinating and I'd love to know more when you decide to share." Elizabet slowly smiled. Being given kindness like this was still so strange to her, after her years with James and Victoria, and the times with her frightened and strict parents, she hadn't received much of it.

"I'd be happy to. I hope you enjoy rambling because that's kind of what happens." Carlisle laughed and continued with his work.

Soon enough they finished up and everyone slowly returned from the farthest sides of the house. "Do you know any healing spells? Maybe something that can speed it up?" Carlisle asked.

Elizabet chewed on her lip, "No, I'm not powerful enough for healing spells. It's advanced magic and I have a lot of practice until I get there. So, we'll have to do it the human way." Carlisle nodded and gave her a smile before letting her go.

She was exhausted and she knew she had to sleep, rest up because questions would be asked tomorrow and she didn't want to do that tired. She told everyone a good night and walked off to her room, a little on edge about going up the stairs alone. She was still a little afraid from what happened earlier with Victoria.

She got to her room and opened her door slowly and cautiously, stepping inside as she got ready for bed. After she was dressed and getting ready to climb in the bed, there was a knock on the door. "Come in." She said after a moment of hesitation.

The door opened and Jasper stepped in. He stood tall as he walked in just a little and said, "I didn't want to bother you, Elizabet, but I have a question."

Elizabet gulped a little and asked, "Yeah?"

"Why did you lie earlier?" He asked, narrowing his eyes as he spoke to her.

She looked down at her feet and asked, "What do you mean?" She must have been in trouble. She had to have been in trouble.

Jasper shook his head, "You know what I mean? Why did you lie back there? What really happened?"

Elizabet was growing a little anxious, inching toward fear. It was a habit for her after the time she spend with her previous coven. They would ask her why she did what she did and some form of punishment would follow. She swallowed back a tear that wanted to escape, shrinking in her spot as her memories of some of her punishments flooded in, Victoria's words.

"I'm sorry..." She croaked, her voice a whisper, so small that only Jasper would be able to hear. Jasper could sense her distress and walked up to her carefully, deciding not to use his speed and scare her further. He wrapped his arms around her, the first contact making her jump in surprise, thinking he was going to do something else.

He pulled her into a reassuring hug as he told her softly, "Hey, hey, hey. There's no need to cry, darlin', no one's going to hurt you." She fell into the hug, a silent sob leaving her. Jasper used some of his power to calm her down a little, giving her just enough warmth, careful not to overwhelm her or give her so much that she felt wrong about it.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to lie, I just didn't want to worry any of you." She whispered a small cry. Jasper rubbed circles against her back and whispered, "It's alright, everything going to be okay. Don't cry. Who attacked you tonight?"

Elizabet sniffled and said in a whispered and broken voice, "Victoria."

Jasper looked back at her, closing his mouth at the mention of her name. "She's not going to hurt you again. Not if I can help it, I promise."

"Don't tell the others." Elizabet said quietly, "I don't want to worry them with something that won't happen yet."

"How do you know she won't attack now?" Jasper asked.

Elizabet sighed, calming herself enough to speak in a steady voice, "Victoria said she would wait until the time was right. She can be very patient. We won't be seeing her for a while... I don't want anyone to be constantly worrying about me if it's not going to happen anytime soon."

Jasper didn't like it. He didn't like not having more defenses for her, but he agreed anyway. He nodded and pulled her into his chest again where she breathed in his scent and sighed, letting shaky breath come out as her senses calmed.

"I won't tell anyone. But I can't promise Edward won't find out." Jasper spoke.

She nodded, "He'll understand. I have a feeling..."

Jasper nodded and sighed, he kissed her head, not having a full grasp on what he had done, as it was completely impulse and instinct. Elizabet smiled at the kiss, though, and sighed, "I need to get to bed."

Jasper nodded and wished her a good night, beginning to leave the room. "Um," she started as he reached the door, "Could you stay with me? For tonight? I'd feel better if I had someone here...and I'd like it to be...you."

Jasper nodded and walked over to her, climbing in bed with her. She laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him, falling to sleep with him next to her. She felt safer already. Jasper felt so safe to her.

Maybe it was a witch thing.

A Witch ThingWhere stories live. Discover now