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There was a section about magic channeling and intensity that caught even more of her attention. In that section, it gave different ways that she could improve her magic and help to control it a bit more. She could take something very dear to her and put a spell on it that would allow her control her magic, but seeing as she didn't have anything like that, she quickly turned that one down.

Another one was a charm that would hold the same function, like a necklace, a bracelet or keychain, something small that could easily be carried around wherever she went. That one was declined as well, it just didn't work for her.

Another one actually grabbed her attention. It spoke of wands and wand making.

"'A wand is a largely used tool for witches or warlocks who want to channel and control their magic easily. Wands seem to work best when made by their owner, thought buying them from shops is another way to go. If you choose to buy from a wand shop, I recommend ones in New Orleans, as it is a city that a lot of witches resign in, a few voodoo shops in the city are real and, if you speak correctly, you will be able to get a wand there, as I did with my first one.'"

Elizabet spoke, "Seeing as New Orleans is a two day drive or a six to seven hour flight...I'll make my own. I hope I have the right supplies..."

'The tools you will need to make your own wand is a type of wood that most displays outward appearance, a supernatural item as a core that most connects with the witch, and a spell or two. The following is a list of the possible cores: vampire venom, werewolf hair, familiar hair/feather/scale, shifter hair/feather/scale, or witch tears. The familiar core is a recommended core, as a familiar is a companion that is connected through you by your soul, heart, and mind. If you are unsure of how to get said ingredients, the spells are below.'

"Thank you so much." She muttered to herself.

Below was a spell that required a few chips of different tree barks, another spell spoke of how to combine the wand wood and core once you have the two, and another spoke of how to complete the wand.

Elizabet bit her lip and said, "Uh..Jasper?"

A moment later, he was standing at her door frame, a smile on his face as he asked what she needed. "This might be a strange question, but do you, by any chance, know of all the trees you have in those woods?"


Elizabet sat at the desk in the room with the wood chips sitting carefully on it. She had a rather large variety of them, surprised by how many there actually were. She closed her eyes and hovered her hands over the wood, looking back at the book as she copied what it said to do.

She took in a deep breath and muttered the spell under her breath. She spoke the spell five times as instructed and looked back at the desk. Something caught her eyes as she drew her attention to the piece of wood hovering in the air in front of her face. She reached out and grabbed it with a smile.

When she touched the wood, it identified itself as a Black Walnut wood. She searched in the book and read the meaning of it.

'The Black Walnut wand wood is a wand for witches and warlocks with good instinct and powerful insight. If the wand owner practices any shape or form of self-deception and dishonesty in oneself, it loses its power drastically and should be met with a new owner to regain its former power. However, this wand is one of the most loyal there are when met with an owner who is sincere to oneself and extremely self-aware. It is less common among the witches, but is ultimately one of the most impressive wands when met with the right master.'

Elizabet smiled as she set the bark to the side, putting the rest of it in a small drawer in the mini-dresser next to the desk. She read the cores again and muttered, "Well, I don't have any of these cores except for vampire hair and witch tears, but I'm not making myself cry for a wand."

She read the section on cores that described a vampire core.

'Depending on the vampire the venom comes from, the wand will have a certain degree of divinity. If the vampire's aura is relatively dark and twisted, the wand will have some a small amount of restraint against the more innocent spells on the side of healing but will likely prosper in duel or martial areas. If the aura is relatively light and clear, the wand will be slightly hesitant to perform spells that are meant to hurt or especially kill a person. If the aura is somewhat in between the above, the wand is very likely to act on your accord, along with the accord of itself, refusing to hurt or heal, depending on what it feels is best for its owner. The vampire venom core has a very loyal bond with its first owner. It is very versatile and can be either Light or Dark. It is not likely to be won over by another witch or warlock and will stay true to its first possessor. Has the potential to be a very impressive and powerful wand, depending on the potential of its owner.'

Elizabet shrugged, "Sounds good to me." She stood from her seat and made her way downstairs to where Jasper was. She walked over to Jasper, who looked at her with a smile. "How's the spell coming along?"

"So far, so good. I just need something..." She told him. He asked her with a shrug, "Whatever you need."


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