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"Her eyes are purple," Jasper pointed out.

A strange voice spoke as the fox somehow replied, "And yours are gold."

"She can talk?" Elizabet questioned. Romina nodded, "Oh, I forgot to mention. Familiars can speak."

"I've never heard Ronin speak," Elizabet pointed out.

Romina shook her head, "He's very strict with his speech. He doesn't like talking to witches without familiars. The girl's familiars aren't very talkative. Well, besides Cami, she's a chatter box, but she usually only talks mentally with Celene."

Elizabet nodded and Freya pointed out, "I'm hungry. Feed me."

Elizabet chuckled at the bossy familiar and they headed inside, getting congratulated by other witches for the familiar.


"Oh. My. God," Alice spoke as she saw Elizabet's new familiar. She smiled wide and rushed over, cooing over Freya happily. "She's beautiful!"

Cole rushed over as well, joining in on spoiling the witch's familiar. Elizabet's chuckled over their adoration and smiled, "This is Freya, my new familiar."

"A familiar?" Cole exclaimed. Freya basked in the attention and said, "Smart vampires. I like them."

Alice only squealed more at the fact that she could talk. Freya made her little fox laughter, enjoying being spoiled by the vampire.

Elizabet laughed and went to call Carlisle and Esme, she hadn't talked to them in a couple days, busy with her training and keeping Jasper entertained.

The phone rang twice before Carlisle picked it up, "Hello, Elizabet. How have you been?"

She smiled at the familiar voice and replied, "I'm good. I also have news."

"Oh?" Esme asked, interested in what she was going to say.

Elizabet told them, "I have a familiar. Her name is Freya, she's a fox."

Just as she said this, Freya walked over and jumped in her lap, demanding pets as she laid there. Elizabet laughed and said, "Say hi, Freya."

She sneezed, "Who is it?"

Elizabet rolled her eyes, "Carlisle and Esme."

She gave a look, like she was smiling, and sat up in her lap. "I like them, they're nice."

Elizabet smiled, glad her familiar was approving of her chosen family. Esme's voice came on the other side as she asked, "She can speak?"

Elizabet chuckled, "Yes, and she's quite bossy."

Jasper sat next to her, Freya moving to sit in his lap, as well. She laid down, closing her eyes and resting. Jasper slowly smiled, amused with the fox's behavior.

Carlisle asked, "When did you get her?"

"She chose me earlier today. Romina sent me to the Familiar World, I'll explain later, and she chose me then," Elizabet explained.

Carlisle spoke on his other end, not bothering to hide his interest, as per usual, "Interesting."

"Is that Elizabet?" Emmett's voice called from the other end. A smile spread across her face as she replied, "Em! How've you been, buddy?"

The big softie replied, "Me? What about you? You said you got a pet?"

Freya lifted her head from Jasper's lap, who was currently petting her, and growled at the phone. Elizabet was to respond, "No, a familiar. Familiars are allies to witches, not pets. They hate being called pets so...be careful."

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