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Jasper slammed into Edward, the sound like boulders colliding. Edward pushed him hard and Jasper hit the wall, recovering quickly to get back to Bella.

Elizabet tapped into her magic and created a cloaking spell so she could try and mask the smell of the blood, but as more of it started to trickle down Bella's arm, her spell wasn't yet strong enough to mask it.

She turned around as Carlisle and Emmett tackled Jasper to the ground, Alice rushing to his side to try and calm him. "Jazz," she tried, shushing him in her attempt to calm him. He wasn't listening to reason as his eyes trained on Bella.

Alice's head turned around as she finally smelt the blood. All of the Cullens, with the exception of Carlisle, were staring at Bella closely. Elizabet stood up, her breath speeding as she assessed the situation.

Edward quickly snapped out of his frenzy and blocked Bella from the rest of the vampires in the room. Carlisle told Emmett quickly, "Emmett, get Jasper out of here."

He didn't respond. Carlisle told him with a more firm tone, "Emmett." Emmett reined himself in, elbowing Rosalie. They started to drag the snarling Jasper out. Esme held her nose, politely exiting with the others. Alice looked at Bella, apologetic, "I'm sorry, I... I can't."

Cole went with her, eager to get her to a better environment. Carlisle looked at Elizabet, "Can you try to calm Jasper while I tend to Bella?" She gave him a polite nod and turned to get to Jasper. Just as she turned around, there was a commotion coming from where they'd exited.

She saw a hungry Jasper rushing toward Bella, having escaped the vampire's hold. In a moment of instinct, Elizabet had brought a hand up as if to stop him. His movements were halted by her magic and he seemed to slowly drift to the floor, his eyes closing as if falling asleep.

They rushed back into the room for Jasper but saw him laying on the floor in front of Elizabet. "He's alright," she told them quickly, "He's just...sleeping, I suppose. Help me get him up."

They did just that, Emmett lifting him off the floor and carrying them away, getting the vampires out of the room.


A few hours later, Elizabet was sat next to Jasper, peacefully sleeping in her bed, since it was the only bed in the house. When he began to stir, she turned around calmly to look at him. His eyes opened and he saw her giving him a warm smile.

Jasper slowly sat up and asked, "What happened?"

Her smile faltered slightly and she calmly told him, reaching out to grab his hand, "There was a little incident. Don't worry, Bella's fine. Carlisle got her all stitched up and better."

"Stitched up?" He questioned. She frowned, "Do you really not remember?"

Just then, it seemed to all click in his head. He remembered what happened happened only a few hours ago and he looked like he could cry. "Oh, my god..." he said, his face twisting as he remembered.

Elizabet put a hand on his shoulder and he shrugged it off. "Hey," she told him softly, "Hey, it isn't your fault. Come on."

He shook his head, "I could have killed her."

She told him, "But you didn't. You wouldn't've. Bella's fine, we're all fine. Don't worry, Jazz."

He shook his head, "How can you say that? How can you even get so close? God, I'm a m-"

"Don't finish that sentence," she told him firmly, "Don't say it."

Jasper was startled out of his sentence. She'd never been firm with him, she was always too careful to be. It was so strange, so new to see her in such a way. She told him, "You are not a monster. Everyone makes mistakes. If you were a monster because of it, everyone's a monster and then it doesn't matter. You're still new to the change, it takes getting used to. You have to know this, Jasper."

She set a hand on his and told him softly, "You are not a monster." He looked into her eyes and sighed, "You think so."

She smiled slightly, "Jasper, I've seen monsters. You're not it. Hell, even my magic says you aren't." Her smile widened and she wrapped her arms around him, her head set softly in the crook of his neck as she sought calm in his presence.

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