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"What a happy surprise! Bella is alive, after all! Isn't that wonderful?" Aro said. He turned to Elizabet and beamed, "And it seems you've brought a guest! A new addition to the Cullen family, I presume?"

Elizabet nodded, keeping the fear from her voice as she spoke, "Yes. My name is Elizabet."

He smiled as he asked, "Ah, such a wonderful name. Do you have a gift, as well, my dear?"

Elizabet glanced over at Edward before looking back at Aro. She quickly chose one of her areas of magic to use, deciding on, "Yes, I do. I control the water element."

"Oh, how wonderful!" He beamed.

Before he could continue questioning her, or think to reach out to grab her hand and find out her little secret, he turned back to Bella.

She was glad she'd read up as much as she could of Aro and his guard, or she would be completely lost.

He spoke, not releasing Edward's hand, "Her blood appeals to you so much, it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?"

"It's not without effort," Edward said.

Aro laughed a little, "I can see that."

"One touch and Aro can see every thought I've ever had in my life," Edward explained to Bella, only halfway to Elizabet.

Elizabet was also glad she'd placed a spell on Alice, Edward, and Bella. She'd heard of his gift and knew he'd be using it, so she put a spell on them that would block her out as a witch and instead a vampire alongside them in Aro's sight. So instead of her cover being blown by his gift, it would be encouraged, unless he decided to look at her memories. She had ankther spell for that, and she hoped it would work.

Aro spoke, "You're quite the telepath yourself, Edward. Though... you can't read Bella's thoughts. Fascinating."

He finally released Edward's hand and turned to Bella, "I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts, as well."

He reached for Bella's hand. She hesitated, does she have a choice? Aro laughed at her reluctance, further extended his hand. Bella finally took it.

He released her hand in confusion, unable to read her thoughts. "Interesting," he muttered, going back to his throne.

He muttered, "I wonder if-"

"No!" Edward yelled.

"Let's see if she's immune to all our powers, shall we, Jane?" Aro asked.

Edward rushed over to her to protect Bella. Jane focused her eyes on Edward, who crumpled to the floor in agony as her power had hid writhing in agony.

Elizabet's eyes widened slightly, it reminded her of the spell the witches used when they first saw Jasper. She had to keep herself restrained so she didn't do anything stupid to blow her cover.

"Stop!" Bella screamed. They all rushed to his side and Jane looked away, the pain lifting from Edward.

"Jane, dear. The girl?" Aro asked, too curious to what would happen.

Jane's gaze now turns toward Bella who cringes, awaiting the pain. Elizabet readied herself to use her magic to keep the pain from reaching her, but nothing happened. Jane's grin was replaced by anger.

Aro laughed like a child with a new toy. Jane, infuriated, moved toward Bella, but Aro stopped her with a tiny gesture.
"Remarkable! She confounds us all! So what do we do with you now?" Aro spoke.

Marcus spoke, rather bored, "You already know what you'll do, Aro."

"She knows too much; she's a liability," Caius spat.

Aro seemed regrettable as he said, "That's true. Unless Edward intends to give her mortality." He looked at Edward, "But that's not your intention, is it? Shame."

He nodded to Felix who moved toward Bella, but he only took a step before Edward tackled him. "Edward, don't!" Bella yelled.

Alice leapt to help but several Volturi guard held her back, which is no easy job, as she struggled mightily.

Elizabet instinctively went to jump in, but she too was held back by more of the guard, who found that she didn't have as much strength as a vampire should.

Edward was fast, anticipating Felix's moves before he made them, but Felix was stronger. Felix grabbed Edward, throwing him into the ceiling. He smashed against the marble, dropping like a stone. Edward was then immediately kicked across the room.

"Stop this, please!" Bella yelled. Aro ignored her, leaning forward to study Edward. Jane looked like she was itching to step in. Aro gestured her back.

Felix took some hits, but then lifted Edward overhead, smashing him down on the ground again. Then Felix flung him against a wall.

Elizabet quickly thought, keeping her cover as she used her magic to summon water, shooting it quickly at the guards holding her, using such force that they are thrown into the walls.

She stepped forward, using as much force as possible to use her water abilities against Felix. He struggled against her as he tried to walk over, the water making it hard for him to reach her.

When he got too close, Elizabet gave up on the water. It didn't matter if she died, as long as her friends - no, family were safe.

She took in a large breath and used her magic, throwing a large amount of magic at Felix, sending him flying against the room.

"Elizabet, don't!" Alice yelled. Elizabet glanced over at her, taking a breath, before she continued using her magic at the vampires who were running at her.

When too many came at her at once, she closed her eyes, opening them with a new found determination. She used the spell Romina and the witches used against Jasper on the vampires, her hand slowly closing in a straining manner as the vampires, with the exception of the Volturi kings, fell to their knees in agony.

Even Jane found herself outmatched as she was at the mercy of Elizabet's strong magic. Their screams filled the room as they writhed in the same agony Jane was trying to conflict.

Aro looked around, surprised and impressed at first, before a hint of anger settled over his features at the fact that a witch was standing in his presence.

Aro ran over to her quickly, stopping right in front of her. "Why is there a witch in my presence?" He asked, his tone bordering on sinister anger, he could almost pass as Caius.

Elizabet stopped her magic, looking him straight in the face before holding out her hand for Aro to grab. He grabbed it, a little harder than necessary, as he looked into her mind.

Elizabet put up a shield about everything there was about the witches she knew and their locations. If Aro knew where they were, he'd slaughter them.

So all he knew was anything he could find that didn't concern them. She would only let him see what she wanted him to see.

He let go of her hand and said, "Hm." He stepped back from her, turning to the vampires around the room who were still recovering, "It seems we have another problem on our hands. In all my years, I've always wondered how many witches it would take to actually anger me. It seems, we have an answer. There's a new question to be answered."

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