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Alice had just paid the bill and Jasper had finished loading the Mercedes as they waited for Bella to return from the room. Alice and Jasper had started talking, turning into a heated discussion. Elizabet , too uncomfortable with the situation, waited in the lobby for Bella, sitting in one of the chairs as she looked around, her eyes falling on the arguing pair every now and then.

When she caught sight of Bella escaping through an opposite door, climbing in a taxi, her eyes furrowed as she stood and walked outside quickly. The taxi pulled away and Elizabet quickly uttered her speed spell so she could catch up with Bella.

As she ran after her, keeping a fair amount of distance so Bella hadn't seen her, she tried to figure out what was going. Then she realized, this is James. He was on the hunt to play with his food.

Bella was going to walk right into his playground.

She knew how James worked, and she knew she wasn't strong enough to take him on alone. So she headed back to where she'd came from, going to Jasper and Alice as fast as possible to warn them quicker.

When she finally came into view of the two vampires, searching the hotel and the parking lot, eagerly trying to find Bella and Elizabet, she didn't know if it was a good idea to walk up to them or not.

What if they're angry that I left? What if I get myself in trouble?

Elizabet had lived with vampires long enough to know not to get on their bad side. When Victoria was angry, she'd pull on her hair, slap her across her face, hit her where it hurts. When James was angry, well, Elizabet still had scars.

She swallowed her fear and ran over to them, cautiously speaking, "Alice! Jasper!"

They both turned around and saw Elizabet. She braced herself for a punishment, but when one never came, she was surprised. She was even more surprised when she was hugged by them both. Their arms wrapped around her tensed body as they spoke, "Oh my god! Where have you been? Where's Bella?"

Elizabet calmed a little and settled into the hug a little more comfortably before they pulled back and listened to Elizabet answer their questions. She spoke, "I went after Bella. She got a taxi and went to the studio. James is there and we need to get to her. Now."

Jasper spoke, "We're not strong enough on our own. We'll have to wait until the others get here."

"When will that be?" Elizabet asked urgently.

Alice answered, "Maybe half an hour."

Elizabet thought for a moment before she nodded and said, "Okay. It should give me enough time."

"To do what?" Jasper asked.

Elizabet bit her lip and sighed as she opened the door to the car, getting inside as she grabbed her jacket. "What are you doing?"

"Leveling the playing field." She simply said, grabbing a bundle of papers out of an inside pocket. Elizabet opened the small sheets, searching for the right spell. As she fumbled through the papers, she finally found the right one, scribbled on a piece of paper as if she were writing it in a rush.

She probably was.

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