Chapter 43: Kan-Ra

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Rays of sunlight shone through a chamber's opening, filled with antiques, from golden statues to an orrery. Small burning torches lie in a circle on the floor, and drifts of sand leaked from the ceiling. Silence drifted the room until a loud rumble echoed, and a blooming sand bud erupted from the floor, revealing Kim, Pemba, and a half-dead Jago.

"Friggin sand!" Kim dusted the gravel off her body. "Where are we?"

"Welcome to my lair." A sand twister touched down from the opening, revealing Kan-Ra. "I've brought you here out of necessity and to shield you from Gargos's wrath for now."

"Thanks, I guess."

Pemba shook any dust off her while keeping Jago near her to anchor the monk's spirit. "What's your game? It's immoral enough you made this mess, and now, you want to help us."

"The Shadow Lord tricked me into opening the portal," Kan-Ra said. "Had I been aware of his intentions earlier, I might've stopped, so now, I seek redemption. Besides, Ms. Wu and I have things to converse about."

"On what?" Kim asked as Yeo emerged with narrowing eyes.

"As you're aware, Gargos is on the path to conquering Earth. However, this wasn't his first. He almost succeeded in his takeover until Earth's appointed guardians stopped him. This time, and by absorbing the power he stole from slain Astral Beings, he's dead set on his conquering way, with Earth still on his mind."

"What does he want?"

"What any tyrant wants: ultimate power."

"Which begs the question that Pemba pointed out: why the hell did you release him if you knew what kind of monster he was?"

"The Shadow Lord used his influence upon me to unlock the gate sealed to keep him from corrupting other realms. Then again, I was on the quest to attain ultimate power."

Pemba snorted. "Obviously, and look where it got you."

Kan-Ra cast a brief glare at the shapeshifter. "The point is, Ms. Wu, to combat Gargos this time around, I'll require some help--one that might involve your Dragon Spirit."

"What? Why?"

"Although Gargos killed most of the Astral Beings, some escaped; your Dragon Spirit is one of them. Also, I'm not sure if you realized, but you're now part of an endless cycle. Once you die, the Dragon Spirit will move on to another vessel. That said, I'll grant you an offering." With his magic, Kan-Ra produced a marble-sized relic within his hands. "In exchange for the Astral Being, I'll give you this as it grants you eternal life."

"I appreciate the offer, but I would rather die a hundred deaths than to live one eternal life."

"I sense you don't trust me."

"Well, you released Gargos into the world, dooming humanity. Besides, I don't need to get...wrapped in whatever half-truths from you. Regardless of that cycle you mentioned, Yeo chose me."

"I'd figured it would come to this." The bandages around Kan-Ra's arms and legs flailed as if they came alive.

Kim also got into a fighting stance. "Do you plan to fight me?"

"More like testing your skills. Heck, I'll even raise the stakes. If you win, I will leave you and your guardian to continue your quest and help your friend, Jago. If I win, then you must surrender the Dragon Spirit."

"Don't take the bait, Kim." Pemba coughed from the side effects on her ability. "We'll find another way to help Jago, as we cannot trust that sorcerer."

Although Pemba made an excellent point, Kim glanced at the unconscious Jago. "I'll do the sparring."

"Are you sure about this?" Yeo asked.

"Positive, though risky. Don't worry, Yeo, I won't let anything happen to you. Okay, Kan, let's do this!"

Kan-Ra lashed out towards his opponent with the bandage straps.

Kim jumped away until the sorcerer grabbed her with the veils and threw her to the ground. She recovered enough to dodge an incoming sand trap. As she launched herself in the air, Kan-Ra formed a shield with his dressings, expecting a flying kick. However, Kim flipped over him and kicked his back, almost throwing him off balance.

Kan-Ra exhaled a swarm of tiny, filthy insects to catch Kim, but she evaded. She launched a flaming ax kick until the sorcerer erected his shield, blocking the attack. He grabbed her and placed a spell on her.

Kim withdrew as small blue whirls surrounded her, but something substantial weighed on her. "What's wrong with me?"

"Kan-Ra has placed a curse to slow your movements. Best to keep away," Yeo said.

Kan-Ra summoned a sand spike, but Kim dodged, missing by a few inches. The sorcerer whirled his body, forming a sand tornado. He sent the vortex, but the curse on Kim faded, allowing her to evade. Kan-Ra beckoned another sand pile, where a scorpion tail emerged.

Kim charged towards her opponent, missing the scorpion tail. Kan-Ra mustered a sand spike, hitting her near him until Kim knocked him back. He cursed her again as blue swirls formed around her, but Kim tapped into the Astral Being's power, removing the curse, and landed a powerful flying kick.

Kan-Ra landed on his back as sand splayed from his body.

With the adrenaline fading, Kim placed her hands on her knees. Yeo emitted a blue aura around Kim, healing any cuts and bruises she received from the fight. A groan echoed in the chamber as Kim checked on Pemba. The Qilin panted, covered in sweat, and the aura around her body flickered, keeping Jago close.

"Pem, are you okay?" she queried.

"My powers...are waning. I can't let Jago's spirit...slip away," Pemba said.

"The power she's using to keep Jago's spirit bounded is taking a toll on her," Yeo said.

"Could you help?" Kim inquired.

"It could, but I'll do it." Regaining consciousness, Kan-Ra approached them. He placed one hand on Jago's head and another on his chest, using a spell. He found something intriguing, but he kept it to himself for now. "Jago is dying, even with the shapeshifter grounding his soul. I have healing relics, but they need magical properties for them to work."

"Magical properties, huh? Wait." Kim pulled out the small orbs inside the pocket of her cape-like coat. "Will these do? They came from that Mimic I fought."

Kan-Ra picked up one, examining it. "Yes, they'll do. Hand me the rest." Kim did so without delay. "I'll be back with a healing relic." The sorcerer vanished within the sand.

Pemba panted slowly. "I"

Kim stroked the Qilin's neck. "Neither do I, but whatever he has planned, it could be the only chance of saving Jago."

Kan-Ra returned with an item resembling a small bird emitting a golden aura. "Here. This Phoenix Relic will bring back anyone from the brink of death. Place it on Jago, and the rest will handle itself."

Kim grasped the relic from Kan-Ra. A warm sensation flowed from the item and through her fingers as though alive. Once she placed it on Jago's chest, the remnant gleamed brighter, forming a gentle fiery cloak around the half-dead monk.

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