Chapter 1: A New Start

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A weak groan left Carrie White’s lips as her eyes fluttered open to the dark. A faint heartbeat filled her ears while her vision adjusted. In her last memory, the house crumbled, and stones fell like rain. Carrie tried to sit up, squirming in pain, but something heavy pinned her. She scanned with furrowed brows, then paused at the dark outline above her. Extending her hand, she held her breath and grazed her mother’s stiff body.

Copper-blonde hair formed a halo around the woman’s pale appearance. Dark blue stains tainted her full pink lips, and her eyes shut. A white nightgown draped her slender frame, covered in debris and dirt.

Carrie’s adrenaline spiked as she screamed and pushed her mother’s body off her. Panting, she waited for movement, but nothing happened.

“Mm… am… ma?”

Her mother lay on her back, unable to speak.

“Mama? Say something!” Crawling toward the prone woman, Carrie called out again. She shook her body to wake her, but nothing. Sobbing, Carrie embraced her mother’s body. She pressed her lips to her mother’s scalp as she wailed. Tears poured onto her cheeks, blurring her vision. What happened? Why is Mama--?

Her thoughts paused when something warm trickled between her fingers. Carrie lifted her hand and froze at the crimson stain as she sniffled. The metallic scent of blood sparked memories in her mind. She remembered the fight for her life, the bloodied knife, and her mother’s last breath.

Carrie shivered while shielding her mouth. She took slow breaths, fighting the urge to vomit. She rested her forehead against her mother’s.

“She deserved it,” a voice spoke in her head.

Startled, Carrie glanced around but found no one. “H-H-Hello?” Her chest tightened, and her breathing increased. As she sat still, expecting a response, her ears strained. After a while, she exhaled. Heat rose within her closed, puffy eyes. I’m having a nightmare. Once I wake up, Mama will be alright.

“Deny it all you want, but this is reality.”

The girl’s eyes twitched while scanning. Hidden debris barred her from each side, reminding her of the Prayer Closet. Its haunting conditions burned into her mind like a brand. With each passing moment, her trembling became more intense, her mind racing, and her body grew tense. Fear coursed through her veins as her mother’s demands weighed on her.

Still clinging to her mother, Carrie rocked back and forth. Her teary eyes darted around until a bright orange light caught her attention. Was that an exit? Was God waiting for her?

Carrie kissed her dead mother’s temple, hugging her one last time. She laid her on the ground, stroking her pale skin. Goodbye, Mama.

Her body aching, she rose. She staggered in the dark, her hands outstretched, until she stumbled upon something solid. Carrie glided her hands against the surface: smooth with rubble poking from the edge. With the light luring her in, Carrie climbed towards it, grunting. With every passing minute, her eyes grew heavy.

Almost there. God, give me strength.

A draft from the opening nipped her sweat-drenched skin. She pushed through the pain, her feet scraping against the debris. As she advanced into the beacon, she heaved some air. Closing her eyes, Carrie enjoyed the warm light caressing her. A knot formed in her stomach when she opened them.

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