Chapter 13

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"Stop, stop, get off me stop!" I screamed. I woke up nearly crying.

"Laura, You okay?"

"Yea just had a bad dream"

"Okay baby go back to sleep"

"What time is it?"



I just layed there. I had a god awful dream that someone was trying to kill me. It wasn't Jack or anyone that I knew. It was terrible. I was trying to beg for that unknown figure to get off me but it wouldn't.

I couldn't fall back asleep, I was to scared to. I didn't want to know what would have happened if I did.

I browsed on my phone looking at random pictures of my favorite Bands and saving them to my photo album.

I couldn't help but look at Jasper he was so cute when he as sleeping. I know that sounds kind of odd or creepy but it's true.

"Laura, crap I have to go"


"My moms going to be mad"

"Okay bye baby" I said giving him a kiss.

"Bye, I love you"

"Love you too" I said smiling and closing the door after him.

I went to the fridge because I was hungry so I just heated up some left over chicken. My Aunt Lynn was asleep on the couch while watching her soap operas.

I closed the microwave and took out the hot plate with the chicken on it. I really hated chicken I find if gross. But there is nothing else in the fridge to eat.

I couldn't stop thinking about the dream I had. It also seemed like I was reliving it. I needed to know who that anonymous figure was that was going to kill me.

I finished with my dinner so I put the dish in the sink, figures my aunt will clean it.

Tomorrow was Monday, which meant school, which also meant seeing Abigail, and Jack. I really am scared of them. I'm not that person that gets scared but on Friday I was scared.

I went up to my room to watch T.V. I turned on the T.V and flipped the channels. I saw the show "Teen Mom" and I just sat there thinking to myself, I wonder what its like being a teen mom, I felt bad for them. Then I saw "CSI Miami" but that didn't really settle my interest. So I just turned it on to the news.

"Recently there has been a murder, a young 16 year boy by the name of Jack has committed murder. We are deciding whether he is guilty or not."

"Well, Anderson I think this boy is guilty for what he has done"

My eyes became watery. Even though I hated Jack I still didn't want to see him in jail for the rear of his life. Jack has always had something wrong with him, that fear that someone is going to leave him, or someone is going to kill him in his sleep for the way he is.

Even though Jack is not get my friend, I still care about him a lot. I think that Abigail is just controlling his mind, and making me the bad person.

I turned off the news because I couldn't bare to them talk about Jack like that. I automatically became sick to my stomach. What if Jack did go to jail. Abigail would probably think that I'm the one who drove him to his breaking point. I'm always the one that gets blamed for people's problems.

I was about ready to have a panic attack. I wanted to talk to Jack so I decided to call him.

I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.


"Jack, please listen, who did you kill?"

"Laura, it's none of your business"

"Yes it is, who was it?"

"Fine, it was Abigail's ex"

"Why would you kill him?"

"She told me too"

"That doesn't mean anything"

"Just stop talking to me Laura" he said then he hung up.

"Huh" I sighed allowed. I threw my phone the beside me and put my face in the palms of my hands, and screamed.


 I was so fed up with Abigail and the way she was treating him. She is messing with his brain. She doesn't care about him. I loved Jack, and now he thinks she is some kind of godess when the truth is she is a lying, and hurtful person, and I wish he knew that.

My aunt Lynn came up stairs probably wondering why I was screaming.

"Can I come in?"


"Laura why were you screaming?"

'Because of Jack"

'What happend?"

"Abigail, told him to kill her ex and he did"

'Laura, we need to report him"

'It's already been on the news"

"Yeah but you need to tell the police that you know why he did it"

"No I'm not going to do that to him" I said while getting up off of my bed.

"Laura I know you still care about him, but you need to do the right thing"


My aunt looked at my like I was crazt, so she just shook her head and got off my bed and headed toward the door.

"Laura this whole thing is eating you up inside"

Maybe this whole situation was eating me up insidw. But, I'm not going to do that to Jack, I don't want him to sit in jail for the rest of his life. I know that Jack and I are now torn apart but that doesn't mean anything.

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