You and I were forever young

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Last night with Mike wasn't that bad. He behaved himself  for the most part since my mom was there. if I'm being honest I don't know if she would care anyways.  When I first got home he got mad because I was late or something and he wanted me to clean before my mom got home. He only hit me once which is improvement I guess. It only left a little bruise so I think I'm fine. 

Today was the day of the game and I was not ready at all. I knew we were going to loose but I wasn't ready for the teasing that comes along with it. The boys always target me. After every check Larson, Banks or McGill end up saying something along the lines of ' No hard feelings right babe?' It makes me sick. Guy always looks upset too but I have no clue why. 

I double Dutch braided my hair and put on a black long sleeve shirt with black spandex under grey sweats. I put on wool socks and snow boots and threw my homemade jersey over my shirt before layering it with a winter coat. . I made sure all of my 'gear' was in my dads old duffel bag before waiting for Averman to nock.

Me and Averman ended up at the Hawks rink and got our gear on. If I'm being honest I'm terrified. The Hawks scare me but I'll never let them know that. Connie sat next to me as we tied are skates. She learned to stop asking about my bruises because it's always "I fell on the ice that's all."

"Let's play a game ... how much money did the hawks pay the refs to be totally biased?"  I asked Connie as we were getting ready to head out. 

"No let's play a game of how much money I'm willing to pay a Hawk to shut you up?" Guy sassed as we were walking out towards the bench. Guy always says stuff like this but today it got to me more then usual. I have an undying hatred towards the hawks and he jut uses that against me. 

We made it out to our bench and just watched the hawks warm up. No coach has ever taught us any drill so we always just watch the opposing team warm up. We were watching until McGill, Larson and Banks skated up. 

"Hey girls!" McGill taunted the boys. "Oh and hey babe" McGill added giving me a wink. Ewwww. Karp lunged at him only to be held back. They loved taunting the boys with their high pitched 'hi girls!' It's getting real old. 

"My names not babe McGill we've been through this" I said in an innocent voice. 

"We can always make it that babe!" He said in the highest pitched voice ever. Connie looked at me and just shook her head. It was her way of telling me 'don't you dare do anything Savvy they'll eat you alive.' Connie is my literal rock. She shuts down all of my 'bad' ideas to make sure I don't get in too much trouble. I'm thankful for that.

Bombay finally showed up and did not look to thrilled. He muttered something about the hawks being our first game with him and he looked somewhat ashamed. We mimicked their 'win win win' chant and all they did was snicker. Banks winked at me and I just sarcastically smiled. They then hit their goalies legs and we just copied. Charlie hit his legs a little to hard which resulted in a fight. "And let the games begin" I muttered to myself as Guy took face off. 

We were getting whipped. We were in the second period and the score was 10 to 0 and not in our favor. That's when coach finally let me play. He even let me take face off! But it was against banks. Eye roll. 

"Hey babe no matter what happens we will still be good right?" He asked. Was he genuine? I do t really know. The puck dropped and I actually won. I even checked him hard. I was proud.

I raced down the their side of the ice cradling the puck. I think I even heard Guy cheer which made my heart warm. Why? But as I was thinking a Hawk named Johnson hooked and then checked me hard against the boards. I was close. I could hear Bombay freaking to the ref and I saw red. I don't know why at this moment but I just snapped. It was illegal and he knew that.

"Another hard fall on the ice huh? Did it give you a matching black eye?" Larson mimicked. That was it.


I saw as Larson  skate over to Savannah and say something and that was it. Savannah got up and tackled Larson. She landed on top of him and started punching him. They weren't that strong but the whole situation was funny. Peter and Karp were clapping and the rest of the team was cheering. You could hear Savvy yelling "eat ice" and I swear I saw larson cry. A ref led Savvy to the box for roughing. Couch didn't put her on the ice the rest of the game and we lost 17 to 0. It was all worth seeing Savvy beat the crap out of Larson.

We headed into the locker room to see a very upset coach.


Coach did not look to pleased. He just glared at us until he spoke up.

"You guys stink! I thought you were here to play hockey!" Coach seethed. 

"I knew we forgot something!" Peter shot back. I couldn't help but snicker at the comment.

"And you! This isn't the WWE!" He pointed at me. Guy snickered at the comment and I just rolled my eyes. Him and Connie were sitting together and looked oddly close. Bleh.

"No but it's hockey. And I'm pretty sure you need a good coach to be good." I said flatly. He knew I was right.

"You think this is funny? You think loosing is funny??" Bombay quipped.

"Well not at first but once you get the hang of it..." Averman said. He looked at me and smiled and I smiled back. I high fives him and he smiled to himself. 

I tuned back in after coach threw his little tantrum and walked out. There was only two things on my mind. Why was I thinking about Guy and a ride home. (😉)

I ended up walking to Mickeys with Charlie. He was the only one who knew about my moms stupid boyfriend. He just understood me and the team. He may not be my closest friend but I trust him with my life. My mom was at work until 8 so I needed to kill time before she got home even though I know deep down she stopped caring about me the moment my dad died. Me and Charlie were having a conversation before Guy and Connie walked in. Great. And they were holding hands? What??

"You know why do you hate Guy so much?" Charlie asked pulling me out of my thoughts. 

"Just thing from the past. But he hated me first. Hey do you think I can sleep over at your house?" 

"Um sure. My mom won't mind. Do we need to pick some things up?" 

And with that we just walked to my house. I made him climb the tree up to my room as I walked through the front door. Mike was sitting on the couch with a beer. He looked up and just looked back down. I ran up the stairs to my room. Charlie helped me pack and with that we were out. We walked by Guys house and he looked at us funny. And he looked upset but I don't know what he wants from me anymore. We made it to his house and called it a night.


"Guy who's that with Savannah?" My mom asked. She has an obsession with Savvy ever since we were little. She always talks about how surprised she is that savvy dosent shave a boyfriend. She insists everyone likes her and I won't ever tell her but she isn't wrong. Our whole team is basically drooling over her. It's disgusting. And even Banks, McGill and Larson like her. They all make it very clear.

"Oh it's just Charlie." I replied breaking out of my thoughts. I like Connie but part of me likes Savannah? I don't know it's weird. But I will never ever ever admit that to anyone. 

But tomorrow we have practice again and all I know is coach is not willing to loose again  


ok I am so sorry for these first few chapters they get better I swear. I think when I finish this  book I'm going to come back through to edit and adjust. 

Young and Beautiful**-** Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now