The crazy days city lights

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I woke up the next morning to Charlie jumping in the bed trying to wake me up. Charlie gave up his bed to me and slept on the couch. 

"Wake up wake up Savannah Grace my favorite banana!" Charlie sang as he plopped down next to me. 

"Your favorite what?" I questioned. Nobody ever called me banana except for my dad. It was weird to hear it again but comforting hearing it from Charlie. 

"Banana y'know? Savannah Banana? I thought since no one called you that I could be the first." Charlie beamed at the knew found nickname. 

"Sure Charlie" I giggled at his excitement. We didn't have practice today so me and Charlie were just hanging out until there was a knock on the door. Me and Charlie slowly crept towards the door to reveal Karp, Peter, Averman, Jesse and my absolute favorite... Guy ughh. 

"Why are you here?" Guy quipped. "None of your business Germaine" I bit back. "Anyways we found stuff come on." Jesse said grabbing me and Charlie's wrists and pulled us out of the door. 

"So why were you there Sav?" Averman questioned as we made our way towards the alley. "Just didn't want to stay at home that's all." I said. It wasn't a lie, I really didn't. 

All of the boys huddled around a box while I sat in a snow pile. "What're y'all looking at?" 

I asked. They better not have dragged me all of the way here for me to just keep watch. "Magazines" Karp shrugged. 

"Ewwww!! Y'all are disgusting! And what's in this for me? I'm not keeping watch for free." I cannot believe them. 

"Oh we know we picked ya up somthin'" Jesse said. He threw me a magazine. There he was my one and only Ralph Macchio. It was some magazine of him and Karate kid and stuff. Movie advertisement you could say.  

"Did I ever mention how much I love you guys!" I said in pure awe. "Oh we know" Guy said arrogantly. "Um not you?" I shot back. 

"Woah I don't believe this! Who would throw this stuff away?" Averman said trying to keep his glasses on his nose. 

"Hold it. First looks free but after that every five minutes is a buck each!" Karp said. "Forget it Karp I can see this for free every day on  MTV!" Averman said passing the magazine to Guy. "And I can see that everyday for free in my bathroom now hurry it up pervs!" "Chill out babe no need to get jealous!" Peter said grabbing my hand. "Peter we aren't together we never were!" I said pulling my hand away.

"Look this one's from Minneapolis!" Peter gasped looking at the blonde women. "Look Guy it's your mom!" Oh no he did not just bring Alice into this! All the boys backed him into a corner.  I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I glanced back down at my own magazine as Karp sat down next to me with his. 

I heard the sound of wheels coming towards us and immediately knew it was Banks, McGill and Larson. Great.

"Hey girls, Beautiful" McGill winked eww.. Larson snatched Karps magazine.

"Hey give that back!" Karp yelled reaching up trying to grab it.

"Does your mommy know you have that?" Larson teased trying to get on everyone's nerves.

"Does your mommy know you're such an ass?" I clapped back. I am sick of them. "Those are mine I found them!" Karp said. He sounded pissed. 

"You don't even know what to do with it wuss breath!" Oh no he didn't. Peter whispered over to Karp trying to aggravate Karp I'm guessing.   

"NOOOOO!" Karp yelled. I don't know what Peter said but it sure aggravated Karp enough to go after the three. Karp was soon pushed off into a pile of trash after. I knew that he stood no chance against the three but part of me thought he could take them. 

None other than the Fulton Reed stood behind the three hawks. I was personally terrified. Fulton grabbed the three and threw them on top of Karp. He was really tall and cute but now is not the time. 


Fulton Reed threw the three boys on Karp. I took one look and Savannah and she looked terrified. I had to hold in my laugh and make sure not to make fun of her. But as soon as he turned around and left Savannah looked at him with admiration. I felt weird, blood rushed to my face and my knuckles were white from clenching them in fists. 

"You alright man?" Jesse asked as we made our way out from the alley.

"Ya they just make me so mad." I said. I couldn't tell if I was lying of not. "I heard from a birdie that you liked Connie?" Jesse said. I got flustered before slightly shaking my head. "Haha! I knew it! You literally drool over her!!" "Do not" I said lightly back.  "You know it's kinda like the way Savannah drools over that one guy" what Guy there's a guy? "What guy?" I asked. "There is no guy dumbie!" Jesse laughed. "You sure you don't like Sav?" He joked. "Eww no way I hate her she's literally so annoying!" I said. "Whatever you say Germaine" he chuckled. What the heck!


Sorry this isn't the best chapter I just needed to upload something. I'm trying to get as much as chapters written and just post them every week so I don't have to worry about writing once school starts. My schedule going to get pretty busy but I will make sure to update consistently. Like I am terrified for school to start. I'm taking honors and stuff so my life will literally revolve around school. Yay....  Anyways Love you all!



Young and Beautiful**-** Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now