They way you would play with me

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Today we had practice so we were out on the lake. Bombay showed up too. Maybe he was done throwing his little temper tantrum. 

"Some things are obvious. You can't skate, you can't shoot, and you can't pass. But, you do fall as well as any other team so I figured we can use that to our advantage." Bombay said confidently. 

"Like how?" Karp asked. I don't have a good feeling about this. 

"By putting a few of their guys in the penalty box." Bombay said a matter of factly. 

"Do you have a good feeling about this?" I whispered to Connie. "I don't really know but as long as we win I don't care." Connie said back. Wow. 

My feeling was correct when Bombay sectioned us into groups to practice hooks, dives and trips. Connie was with Guy as she hooked him and he fell on his butt. I couldn't stop laughing which gave Jesse enough time to hook me causing me to fall. "That's great but act a little more hurt." Bombay told me as he walked by. "But I am hurt!" I huffed as I got up with the help of Jesse. 

"Good good, now say it again!" Bombay shouted as the team recites some stupid chant.

"Take the fall, act hurt, get indignant!" The team shouted in unison besides Charlie and me. I don't get why we have to cheat if we want to win. If we cheat we're not actually winning. Charlie and me just looked at each other as the team continued. 

"Ok you guys are ready!" Coach said proudly dismissing us from the ice. 

"Ok you guys are ready to look like fools taking dives on the ice!" I mocked to Charlie as the team switched into shoes.

"You don't even have to do anything to look like a fool!" Guy snarked from next to Connie. 

"Shut up Germaine you look like a fool in that hat!" Gee, can that guy get anymore annoying?

Me and Charlie ended up walking to Mickeys to get some shakes and fries. We talked about everything. Charlie always made sure to talk and check up on me and make sure Mike didn't get me too bad. I didn't have any new bruises because I'm rarely home anymore. But I was talking to Charlie about how Noah is coming up soon. Noah is going to be here in like a week. I'm super exited but I'm not so exited about the fact that every time Noah comes home, we do an annual dinner at the Germaine's. 


After Mickeys I just went home and showered and went to bed, nothing big. But today was the Jets game and something tells me we're not going to do well with Bombays new technique. No matter the cheating part, Bombay is kind of growing on me. I don't want to admit it but he is. 

We were doing horrible. The team was taking falls and dives every time a Jet even went near them. I could tell the ref was getting fed up with this too. Then Goldberg screwed everything when a jet was nearing him with a puck. He took a fall and was rolling around on the ground like a puppy in mud. Talk about second hand embarrassment. We took a time out so that Bombay could complain to Goldberg. 

"Goldberg! You don't take a fall while they're shooting at you!" He yapped on about. Literal eye roll. 

"Well you didn't make that clear did ya?" Goldberg snapped back. I didn't want to take Gordon's side on this one but I kinda feel bad for that guy I mean I guess he was trying. Maybe. "Goldie, man, I love you but it's common sense!" I told him as I patted his shoulder. 

"District 5 cut the acting class! One more dive and I'm forfeiting to the jets." the ref said unamused and skated off. 

"What! I'm offended by that!" coach said. "Coach maybe you're the one who needs an acting class!" I snorted as I bumped past him to get out of the box. 

"Annoying huh coach? You sure you can't get her removed from the team or something?" I heard guy ask coach. "No can do pal. We have to keep her she's actually good." Coach replied. "Eat that Germaine!" I smirked as he just rolled his eyes. I'm like 98% sure I just saw coach smile? I don't know but Charlie was just about to take face off. 

Before he could though, Coach called me and Charlie over. 

"Look Charlie those guys are twice your size so next time they get you in a corner like that grab your eye like it's cut and hit the ice got it?" He asked Charlie. "And you" he said and pointed to me. "Next time anyone gets touches you act hurt some how, and because you're a girl against a guy and are smaller they'll believe it." He said as he patted our backs. 

Me and Charlie didn't reply, we just skated off. "You gonna do it?" Charlie asked. "No I'm not, it's not right. If my dad was still here he'd be pissed." I said back. My dad and mom were pretty close to Charlie's mom because my mom used to work at mickeys with her. So my dad was important to Charlie too. " Ya, Mr. Jason would be pretty upset" Charlie replied taking face off. Me and Charlie raced for the puck before Charlie got cornered and I got shoved. Before you ask, no we did not cheat. 

We walked into the locker room and Terry was the first to speak. "Man" he said "we can't even win when we cheat!" He said as he slumped down. "Ya, stupid cake eater tricks!" Jesse said slumping down next to his brother. Then walked in a very angered looking Bombay. 

"What's the matter with you two!" He yelled. "When I tell you to do something do it you got it!" He yelled some more. I just hate being yelled at, reminded me too much of Mike. So I just focused my gaze to the floor along with Charlie's. "Look at me ! Got it? Bombay yelled some more. 

My eyes met Charlie's before we both looked at Bombay. "You can't make us cheat!" he said. "Ya it just makes us look like fools!" I replied storming out of the locker room with my stuff trailing Charlie. When we walked out, Mr. Hall looked at us with sympathetic eyes before heading into the locker room. 

I couldn't hang out with Charlie because his mom said no, Connie was hanging out with Guy probably a date I assume, Jesse and Terry have family dinner and Averman is off with Peter and Karp so I'm all on my own. 

I just walked home and got the usual yelling from Mike about being late. He didn't hit me just threw a whiskey bottle at my foot. It didn't really hurt so I just went up to my room to wait for my mom.  


I was hanging out with Connie and she was talking about Sav... my favorite. "Ya like I don't even no what's going on with her! She's always bruised which is weird." She said. "Ya tell me about it just one more hard fall on the ice? Again?" I replied. "Ya and like her love life is weird. She practically drools over Walker. She can have anyone she want's literally and she likes him?" She said again. She likes walker? There's a guy? I feel weird but I can't place it. It doesn't make me feel better knowing that she can have him if she wanted. Like all of the boys in our grade like her. Gross. 

While thinking about it I remembered Noah it coming up soon. Noah it my older brothers best friend. I thought he was a cool guy too. Whenever we went places Noah would walk with me and Thomas would hold hands with Sav. I'm nervous to see how angry Sav is going to be tomorrow at school. And with the Hawks pressing her about it, I don't thinks it's going to end well. 

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