Like a child

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School was not as bad as I thought it would be. Of course that was before we ran into the tree musketeers at lunch. I was walking down to my lunch table when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and faced my worst nightmares. "How did the game go for you princess?" Larson asked. 

"I don't want to talk about the stupid game." I snapped. "Well princess, never thought you'd be the person to cheat hm?" Banks hummed. Gosh he's so hot but is a complete ass which filters his looks out. "Was taking a fall the way you bruised your arm?" McGill pressed. Why do these people bring up bruises they're kind of normal. "Leave me alone will you?" I snapped again. Gosh these people never know when to stop. "Is there a chance that bruise is from your daddy?" Larson asked. I know he doesn't know about it but he just wants to say it because my dads dead.   "Shut up!" I practically yelled. 

At this point a lot of the cafeteria was staring at us now. I looked at my table and Connie was profusely shaking her head, Averman, Jesse, Peter, Karp and Terry were encouraging it, Charlie's eyes went wide and Guy looked worried. "Oh right it's can't be him, He's dead!" Larson exclaimed. Oh no he didn't. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pounded my fist against his face. At first he was shocked but then went to punch me. I could hear my table screaming to look out but I can't believe I just did that. Larson wen't to swing but got pulled away by a teacher. A Lunch monitor dragged me out of the cafeteria. "Holy shit I just did that!" I whispered to myself.


Sav's fist punched Larson strait in the eye. My table erupted into cheers. She FINALY snapped. But I was worried what they might've said to her to make this all happen. My tables screams of cheers then went to pure horror as Larson was getting ready to punch and she just stood there dazed. But thank gosh a teacher pulled him away. Sav was soon dragged out by a teacher. That must've gotten her a suspension of some sort. Connie didn't look happy that Sav was involving with them but looked like a proud mother as soon as she socked him in the face. It's going to be funny trying to see how Savvy will try and get out of this one. Or even how the Hawks are going to get her back. Baby let the games begin..


Yep, two day suspension. I had to wait in the office until school let out which wasn't for another two hours so I had to wait and wait and wait. I put my head on my desk and closed my eyes waiting when I heard the office door open. 

"Meier someone's here to see you." The receptionist stated leading none other than Gordon Bombay over. 

"What do you want?" I sassed. I don't want to talk to him right now. He made us look like fools.

"To apologize Savannah. It wasn't fair for you to be treated like that and I'm sorry."

"Um.. well thanks" I replied. Did the Great Gordon Bombay just apologize to me? Wow. 

"I promise you if you rejoin the team, it will be way more fun this time around." Bombay quickly added after. Well it's hard to say no to the guy. He sounded pretty sincere. 

"Well...." I said trying to lead him on. "I'll do it!" I already knew I was. I saw his eyes light up the slightest bit. 

"What brings you here?" Bombay questioned. 

"I punched a kid." I said trying to sound really nonchalant. Bombay couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. 

"Well let me see if I can get you out of here." He replied. "Oh thank the lord! I thought I was going to grow old in here!" I exaggerated. 

He was really good at getting what he wants. He got me out of there with a snap of his fingers. We said our good byes and I walked back to class. I walked in through the back classroom door and found my seat with the rest of the team. 

"Sav? I thought you were suspended or something!" Connie said as soon as she saw me. Of course Guy was right next to her. Great. 

"Yeah me too. I was looking forward to it." Guy added only to get a smack to the back of the head by Jesse. 

"Ok you won't believe it. I was going to get a two day suspension and I had to spend the rest of the day in the office. But then Bombay walked in and he was like 'I'm sorry' or whatever and asked me to join back on the team. I obvs said yes and then he sweet talked the receptionist into letting me go!" I said.  I was really starting to like the guy. 


Bombay told us to meet him at Hans hockey store for practice. Me and Averman met up and we're walking to the shop when he broke the silence. 

"So what's going on between you and that guy walker or whatever?" Averman asked. I honestly forgot all about him being honest.

"I don't know. I'm just not feeling it anymore." I responded. Averman. "I mean he likes me a whole lot but I don't want to be with a guy if I'm constantly thinking of someone else."  What did I just say? "Um I wonder who?" Averman said sarcastically as he smirked.  "Oh shut up!" I told him as the rest of the team came into view. 

Bombay brought us here to get real hockey gear! And it's on him! I'm not angry at him anymore. How could I be? Goldberg went strait towards the goalie isle and found his own corner to try things on. 

"Hey Mr.Hans!" I yelled walking over to the register. "Hey savvy!" He replied. Bombay just looked at us in shock. "You know Hans?" He asked. "Well duh! I'm going to be on his wall someday you know." I responded. "That is if you still come to work here this summer." Hans added . "Well Ms.Savannah here is Jason's daughter!" Hans exclaimed to Bombay. "Your Jason's? Well small world." Bombay chuckled. Hans told me my dad and a Gordon used to be close buddies but I didn't think it was this Gordon. Hm small world I guess. 

Charlie asked Fulton to get a hockey stick out of the ice and he did. I walked over to here Bombays conversation. 

"Do you know that kid?" Bombay asked. 

"Ya met him at the office one time." I replied. 

"He's also in our class." Guy said glancing at me. 

"Why isn't he on the team?" Bombay asked us.

"Well he plays football me and Connie went to a few of his games he's good." I answered. 

"They won't allow him to play hockey so he doesn't injure himself for football." Guy rolled his eyes. I don't know how to feel. Guy always comes to my mind when I think bout guys. Seeing him and Connie together breaks my heart. It hurts but I can't do anything about it. I'm done fighting with him, I just want to be friends again. 

I got board so I just walked away. And before I knew it, the team left for an actual ice rink practice. 

Young and Beautiful**-** Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now