When I'm no longer

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It ended up taking me around 30 minutes to walk home in all that snow. I really should've just taken the offered ride... oh well. When I reached home Mikes car was in my driveway. He shouldn't be living In my house. This is my dads house. It's like my mom wants me to see a father in Mike. I will never see a father in someone who hits me. Bombay and Hans come way before Mike in my list of father like figures. 

I walked into my house and saw Mike sitting on my dads old recliner with a beer bottle in hand and about 3 on the floor. The only reason we even have that recliner still is because me and Noah practically begged for us to keep it. It just angered me to see Mike sitting in it. 

"Where were you!!???" Mike questioned standing up from the chair tossing his bottle aside. If I'm being honest I'm terrified. He's drunk. And I'm alone with him. My mom doesn't get off work until a while later and even then it's like she only cares about me when other people are around. She stopped caring when dad died.

"You're not my dad! I don't have to tell you nothin!" I yelled back. I didn't even realize what I said until I felt his fist make contact with my face. In that moment time seemed to slow down more and more after each hit. He fit my face, my side and my shoulder before he shoved me back into a wall. His words were all slurs I couldn't quite make out. The only words I got out were 'Little shi-', 'brat' and 'don't talk to me like that'. 

I just lied there on the ground unsure on what to do as Mike kicked my ribs before walking away. I can't process anything right now. I just walked up to my room and locked the door before laying down on my bed imagining my perfect 8 year old life. I had both parents, my older brother Noah and the Germaine's. What happened? I did this to myself... if I stopped y dad from going to work that day- I could've- it's my fault... was the last of my thoughts before I drifted off into a deep sleep. 

The next morning I woke up to throbbing pain everywhere. My eyes were probably red and puffy from crying a lot last night. I'm ashamed. I shouldn't have to cry, I have to stay strong for my dad which means I can't pity myself. 

I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I let out a gasp as I saw all of the purple and green bruises spread across my face. My brunette hair was tangled from sleep but also had dried blood in it. I took a shower to clean my hair and body of blood and to overall make myself feel better. 

Today was the day we were going to meet Bombay for a surprise. I hope it's a new logo or something. I hate being called district 5. I got dressed into my black leggings with a black long sleeve shirt layered with my flannel and coat. I couldn't risk them seeing all of my bruises, but unfortunately I don't have makeup to cover the ones on my face... 

I slung my hockey bag over my shoulder and trudged out onto the freshly snowed sidewalk. I should've just left earlier it's going to take a while to get to the rink with all of this snow. As I was walked I heard a car squeal to a stop behind me. I looked behind me to see Allison's car. She rolled down her window. "Come on hunny just get in the car it's freezing out there! She exclaimed. I wasn't about to pass up the offer for a second time so I happily opened the back door to reveal Guy and Connie in the back and Thomas and Allison up front. My heart dropped but I did my best to hide it as I got in the car. 

"Well well well if it isn't Savvy Meier!" Thomas said as he looked back to face me. His face instantly dropped as his eyes examined each and every individual bruise. He looked me in the eye as if asking me if I was alright. I just nodded my head at him as he slowly turned back around. 

"Hey Savannah!" Connie squealed as she hugged me from the side. 

I couldn't turn to face them. I just couldn't do it. 

Young and Beautiful**-** Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now