Chapter 13

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Kayla's POV
(Two months later - homecoming week)
Christina and I are currently sitting on the bleachers studying because our home room teacher let us come outside. "Kayla Kayla Kayla Kayla Kayla Kayla Kay-" "What!" I yelled looking up from my algebra book. Christina raised her hands in defense. (Christina and I are good now) "Hi" she smiled making me roll my eyes; she laughed. "No for real are you going to the game, or the dance, or both?" I looked at her unsure "I don't know yet why?" "Well... Me and Cody are broken up and all the girls and I are going to the game together then staying the night at Suzan's house so we can get ready there the next day. And everyone told me to ask if you wanted to join us." I thought about it for a second "Sure I'll go with you guys." She squealed in delight and I just shook my head. Then a big realization hit me "Shit it's Tuesday and I don't have a dress and homecoming is on Saturday!" She took out her phone and sent a text to someone. "Okay my sister said she can take us dress shopping today after cheer and volleyball or tomorrow. Which is better for you?" "Well, it's Tuesday and mom works late on Tuesdays so today could work out, the sooner the better." She smiled and the bell for last hour rang. I jumped up and gathered all my book "What's the hurry?" "My class is all the way on the other side of the campus." I yelled running down the bleachers "Run forest" she yelled after me making me laugh.

I decided to go through the senior hall since I only had two minutes to get to class and I can't be late. As I was running through the hall I ran past Jacob and some of the returning volleyball players. "Hey Kayla" they called after me. "Can't talk, I'm gonna be late!" I yelled back running faster. As they got further away I heard someone say "damn she runs fast" and Jacob said "yeah she runs marathons in the summer with her cousin." I smiled and made it to class just as the bell rang. "Kayla good timing." Mrs. Edwards said locking the door behind me. Mrs. Edwards is the type of teacher who if your in the room by or right when the bell goes off you don't get locked out. But if you even a second late she locks you out unless you have a note.

After class I headed to my locker to get my duffle bag, after I closed my locked I saw Luke walking towards me so I turned and started walking quickly to the gym. "Kayla you can outrun me." He said from not so far behind me but I acted as if I hadn't heard him. I was almost to the gym when he grabbed my arm. "Let me go" I said through clenched teeth. "No, not until you tell me if you've considered my request." I huffed and looked at him. "I'm not going to sneak around with you like some kind of slut!" I said and yanked my arm from his grasp. And started walking to the gym once again, when once again Luke grabbed my arm. That was the last straw, I turned around and yanked my arm away. "Don't you ever fucking grab me like that again!" I yelled at him and stormed off to practice. Thanks to Luke I was 15 minutes late to practice which meant 15 laps around the track, which might I add the football players practice on the field that happens to be in the center of the track. "Kill me now." I murmured walking to the gym exit "I'll go with you." Suzan said I smiled thankfully at her and we headed out.

"I bet I can run all 15 laps faster then you." Suzan challenged with a smirk as we stepped onto the track. I laughed "You're funny. You know I run marathons right?" She nodded but didn't back down. "Don't cry after you lose" she laughed and pushed me playfully. "Ready... Set... Go" we said at the same time and took off at the same pace for the most part so we just started talking; or at least I was talking she was panting out her sentences. "So you realize we could have just come out here and not ran." Suzan stated I rolled my eyes. "Yeah but that the wrong thing to do." I stated which made Suzan huff "Goody-to-shoes" I laughed and shook my head. "C'mon only 4 more laps." I said when Suzan started to lag behind. "Your trying to kill me!" She panted as she stopped and placed her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath. "I'm gonna finish this lap and when I get back to this spot your running." She shook her head rapidly "Hell no! I wasn't forced to do this I'll be waiting for you in the bleachers." She said walking towards the bleachers. I sighed and continued running but much faster this time determined to miss no more then another 10 minutes of practice. On my last lap I saw Jacob wave at me so I waved back, and to my surprise he joined me for my last lap. "So, why are you running?" He asked keeping up with my fast pace easily. "Luke" I said simply. I saw Jacob's head shoot a glance to field and back but I follow his glance and saw Luke and Cody doing some drills. "What'd he do?" I rolled my eyes "long story and this was my last lap so I'll tell you at home after I go shopping." I said and gave him a quick hug then sprinted to get Suzan, but didn't feel like going up the bleachers. "Suzan! Get your lazy ass down here!" I called to her from the beginning of the stairs.

Turns out we didn't miss much in practice they were just playing some drill game but we got there in time for the last two rounds. While everyone started packing up I texted Christina who should be done with cheer by now.

(Text messages) C- Christina K-Kayla

K- hey I'm gonna take a quick shower I'll meet you in the parking lot. Sound good?
C- sounds good I'll text my sis to head this way🚙
K- cool be there soon.😊👌🏼

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