Chapter 28

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Kayla's POV

The car came to a stop outside of the hospital and I quickly unbuckled running inside. "Where's my mom and brother?!" I asked the front desk lady as quick as I could. "Last names?" "Marks and Berk" she nodded typing on her keyboard. "Berk is in room H-18, and Marks is in room H-19." She informed me. I nodded and took off towards their room just as Luke jogged into the hospital. "Kayla slow down!" He said running behind me. I ignored him and kept running following the signs on the walls. I got to Jacob's room first and opened the door. There he was laying on his bed looking at me standing in the doorway. "Hey little sis." He whispered and sat up wincing slightly. "What happened?" I asked taking the seat next to his bed. He sighed and pulled his blanket away from his stomach. "What's that?" I asked horrifiedly as I looked at his stomach and saw two gauze squares taped on with blood showing through. "Tim shot me and attacked mom." He said quietly pulling the blanket back up over his stomach. "What?!" I asked freaking out even more then I was in the car. I got up and rushed to the door tears starting to fall down my checks. I made my way to her room and walked in and saw my mom unconscious with a bandage wrapped around her head, a busted lip, and tubes coming from everywhere. I covered my mouth with my hand and went to run out of the room when I felt two arms wrap around me and pull me into the persons chest. That's when I lost it; the tears started rolling in a steady flow as I sobbed into Luke's chest my knees going weak. "Shhh. Shhh. I got you." He said pulling me closer and resting his head on mine.

After a while my sobs lessened and Luke sat holding me close on the couch in my mom's room. I heard the door open and I looked up to see a nurse pushing Jacob into the room in a wheelchair. She pushed him next to me and went over to my mom checking the several machines. He placed his hand on my knee and gave it a light squeeze. "Oh no." The nurse whispered pushing the button that calls the doctor. "What's wrong?" Luke asked making me tense up. "You all need to go to the waiting room." The nurse said as the doctor and other nurses rushed into the room. I sat there in horror as the doctor and nurses packed everything into moms bed and rushed out of the room down the hall passing a sign that says "operating rooms". I let my head fall onto Luke's chest as a new set of tears made their way down my face. "Let's go baby." He whispered pulling me up with him wrapping an arm around my waist keeping me up. "Do you need me to push you?" Luke asked Jacob making him shake his head and wheel his way out of the room towards the waiting room.

We sat there for I don't know how long. Jenna came to check on us about an hour ago bringing us coffee and sweatshirts. I sat in an arm chair with my knees pulled into my chest and my forehead resting on my knees. "Hey." Luke said softly taking the seat next to me. I stayed quite not wanting to talk yet. "We're gonna get though this. Thick or thin." He said rubbing my back; the small gesture making tears build back up in my eye. "Is she going to be okay?" I asked my voice cracking slightly at the end. "I don't know baby. I wish I knew but I don't." He said sadly. I nodded and lifted my head up laying it on his shoulder. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that we've been siting here for another three hours; it's now midnight. I was struggling to keep my eyes open. "Those here for Mrs. Marks" the doctor said making me open my eyes and look to him. He had us follow him to a room for more privacy and looked at us. "Well... how is she?" Jacob asked the doctor with hope in his eyes. The doctor sighed and my heart stopped. "I'mx very sorry to inform you that Mrs. Marks did not make it." My world crumpled and I fell to the floor in a mess of tears and sobs.

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