Chapter 7

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Dhruv's POV

" Hello, Drishti ? Where are you both ? " I called her because Rahul is not answering my calls and I have been waiting for them from 20 minutes, what the hell are they doing after calling me to pick them up.

"we are at---- wait, what the - how did you get my number? " she asked, ugh this woman.

" I got it from Nischay " I lied to her, when Rahul did her background check, he even got her number out of habit.

" ohh "

" where ARE you ? " I asked her again

" me ? why ? " how does she manage to piss me off every time we speak?

" because am waiting for you both " I replied back

" oh shit, uhh okay. we are coming "

" okay "

// // // // // //

" we had soo much fun ! " Rahul exclaimed. We were on our way back home.

" yes, we did " she said smiling

" we should do this more " Rahul replied

" yes yes but next time with Nischay and only us three " she said looking at me through the mirror

" yeah, so Drishti you can talk ? " I asked her

" Excuse me, what do you mean by talk, I can and more than you "

" oh really ? then what happened in the morning ? " I asked her

" I don't speak with jerks and remember the day you moved in ? what happened then ? " she asked back

" same, I don't speak with stupids "

" I am not stupid "

" and I am not a jerk "

" You are, you don't even reply to people "

" I do but just when I think it's important enough to "

" ughh- I hate you "

" Rahul, you said she is kind ? " I said and Rahul started laughing making both of us glare at him.

" whattt ? It is soo fun watching you both argue, you should do this more " he said

" No, this will be the last time " Drishti said shifting her eyes to me.

" sure, try not to ask me unnecessary things next time " I said parking the car.

" don't even worry about that " she replied giving me a fake smile, while getting out of the car.

// // // // // //

' Dhruv, run '

' no, no '

' DHRUV, run god damn it ' he yelled

' but dad-'

' just go ' suddenly I was being pulled back and his figure slowly disappearing ----------

' I can't do it '

' let's go away, no one is doing anything. I can't lose another member in my family'

' I will do it ' ----------------

I woke up from the dream, my breaths heavy. It's been years since I got this dream and it feels like everything happened yesterday. It's not the same as they show it in the films, books. Mafia is like a maze, once you are stuck in it, you can't leave it. The more you try, the more complicated it'll get. And after what happened to my family, I can't risk to put them in danger once again.

" Dhruv ? " she said shocked, I was in my balcony, it's 3AM.

" you didn't sleep ? " I asked her, she is sitting on the couch that's arranged in her balcony, a chocolate in her hand.

" me ? I was binge watching a drama, what about you ? "

" couldn't sleep " I replied to her

" hmm " she said looking at the moon, she has the most beautiful pair of eyes that I have ever seen.

" wait a minute " she said and went inside.

" here, take it " she said stretching her hand towards me, a chocolate bar in her hand.

" no "

" god, It's 3 AM Dhruv, we can't argue now, So just take it "

" thank you " I said grabbing the chocolate from her.

" So, you do have manners " she said making me smile at her sarcasm.

" you can smile too " she added.

" don't force me to go back inside Drishti and close your mouth for now, please "

" okay, okay "

I don't know until when we sat like that in silence, I kept thinking about the dream, the reason why everyone of us changed. Occasionally looking at her, looking at her makes me think she can be in danger because of us, just because she is my neighbor. Everyone around me can be in danger. I can't have another weakness in my life.

I was still deep in my thoughts, when I heard her say

" Dhruv, don't worry I still hate you " before she went back inside, I smiled for the second time since I woke up.

I still couldn't sleep but my thoughts were occupied by something else this time. I was thinking about our fight in the morning, how childish it was and how I kept answering back.


Author's note -

Hey peeps!
A bit of a small chapter today I know but don't worry, I will compensate in the next chapter.
Am already loving them but Yash is too cute and kind to be ignored and we never know what happens.

Anyway, don't forget about the star guy ⭐

- Saram :)

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