Chapter 04

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chapter four
emma montoya

I want to find Tyler and ask if he found anything. I highly doubt I'm his number one priority, but maybe he found my parents.

Jenna distracts me without knowing it. She pulled me out of bed at six and childishly demanded that we explore the compound, again. I could clearly see that she was terrified at the fact of getting lost, and to be honest, I was too. Tyler seemed as though he wasn't kidding when he told Jenna just to find her way back.

I surprised Jenna hasn't mentioned her parents. Each night back in Young City Jenna would tell me how her missing motet and father would embrace her in hugs and they would talk about everything they missed.

It's not like children are abandoned in the County:

A man and a woman of the same guild may have a child, but this offspring must not live in the certain guild and will be brought to Young City for proper education involving life as well as academics. The parents though must stay in their guild until child may or may not find them. - Law Number 318

I find myself being pulled into an arena where some sort of competitive game is going on. Two groups of girls stand on either side of the net passing the ball to one another. But they do it with such force...

"What is this Jen?" I ask Jenna. I was like the dog on the leash and she was the walker.

"It's the Lion signature sport, volleyball."

I've read about this before. Each guild has its own, personal "past times," including sports, artwork, writing/reading, food, color, etcetera. Sports and color are the big two, because they define life outside headquarters.

We find an empty row near the top of the bleachers and watch the game. Both groups are Lion of course, but still they are divided.

Aren't the guilds supposed to be united as one?

One girl on the team right of the court catches the ball and turns to us. As does the rest of the two teams turn with a hair flip.

"Welcome new members to the sports arena of your new Lion Guild," a strange voice fills the room. "As you have never played a sport before, we will do some explaining."

A brunette steps forward and I receive a nudge from Jenna. "Since the Lion guild is supreme to all others, we actually have multiple sport choices. You can play tennis, volleyball, soccer, or basketball. Of course, you do not get to choose which one you play. We test you."

Everyone in the room murmurs a common phrase: choice defines opinion, opinion defines war. When our world was ripped apart centuries ago, the leaders of the entire County decided that with lost our happiness because human opinion lead to disagreement and disagreement started the many wars. Therefore, the Council makes all of our choices for us.

Over the years, the decision-ruling has lowered its standards. When I was first born, the only choice we could make on our own was the guild choice. Now we are free to choose our own friends, clothing, guild, and love, with in reason of course. The choices we make are under strict watch.

But then there are the ones we don't get to make including food choices and occupation. It doesn't matter really, for without these laws we wouldn't be the only civilization left on Earth, now would we?

"As we call your name, as we will in groups, please come down to the stage."

I see one of the girls fish a list from her back pocket. But as they do this, I can't help but wonder where all the boys are. Shouldn't they be apart of this too?

"Where are all the male new members?" I piped uncontrollably, trying to make myself sound as formal as possible. "Shouldn't they be getting their sport as well?"

The players don't seem to know who the question came from. I can see them scan their audience looking for the source of defiance. We aren't supposed to ask questions until we complete one year in the guild.

I'm also supposed to be developing and adapting to the characteristic Lion guild members posses. But for some reason I want to be the least noticed thing here.


Hey Turtles!

I'm coming back from my trip tomorrow so so can start writing normal sized chapters again!

REMINDER: This very book is entered in the 2015 Watty Awards so please vote, comment, share, whatever you can. It would mean so much to me if you would, because it's my dream to have a book published, and winning a book award, even if it's small, would be a great boost in not only my confidence, but in the publicity and style of the book.

Okay? Okay.


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