
221 15 3

Emma Montoya

Around me people start to appear. They inch closer and closer, eyeing Anne's grave in suspicion. Justin's gone out to find something to eat. It's been two days since we broke free.

But I'm not afraid of these people.

"Don't touch her!" I yell. "I know you want too!"

"You can read our minds?" one of the men approaching me asks. His beard is snarly and long as if he's been out here forever.

"Ye..yes," I hesitate.

"So you're an Awkward Star?"

The last thing I need is for people to try and kill me now. "No," I reply.

I jump forward as an old woman traces her boney finger down my back. I hadn't noticed her before.

"Don't lie to us," she cackles. "We can read your mind too. Welcome to the family."

"Wha-what?" I stutter.

"Hey!" I hear a yell from behind me. Justin. "What's going on here?"

"They're like us," I say hesitatingly. I can see the anger in Justin's eyes.

"What?" he questions.

"Follow us to sanctuary," the old woman says.


And that is what we did. Our anxiety towards these friendly folk slowly diminished and we became one family. I finally found a true family.

Now I sit outside of the tunnel, waiting for more people to run out screaming. We were going to start a new generation of humans outside the County that everyone is locked in.

They always told us that outside the County roam creatures that used to be human. Who were disease ridden and had animal-like qualities. They were wrong.

Oh terribly wrong.

Maybe someday we'll be the superheroes. The people of the County will learn what's really going on behind the scenes. The Council will go against them, our new elder Gertie read it in the stars. And when they do...

We'll go back.


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