Chapter 18

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chapter 18
emma montoya

Emma and Justin are trying to leave the building because they fear they are in danger. Stella has apparently showed up after she was supposed to be dead for 600+ years. Everything is dark. They are in the front lobby of the building, trying to sneak out. Ink sits at the front desk wide awake. You do not want to be caught by her.

now for the story

I reach for the door handle. I'm only inches away from escaping this. Inches away from reaching Jenna, wherever she maybe.

The only light guiding my path is from the moon and stars. It's funny how only days ago, I was looking out at these very stars from Young City and now I'm here. The world down here has been changed so much, but the stars remain the same.

I hear the moan of metal under my feet. The floor shifts and drops down from under me revealing a hole sink hole, but I still have a hand on the handle. My waist down is dangling in the hole. I walk my feet up the side of the hole and onto a ledge of surface, only to have the ground break away once again.

The ground in front of the doors are pressure pads. I look over my shoulder and reach out my other arm to grab ahold of the edge on the other side. Letting go of the door, I launch myself across the hole and lucky for me, I catch the edge.

The lights flicker on. I don't see Justin. Ink paces towards me, her painted-on eyebrows buried together.

"I thought," she sighs. "They told me."

I feel as though I am being choked. With her pointy high heels, she looks down upon me with a disappointing glare and nudges each of my fingers to let go. I grip harder to hang on.

The room is cold, like a winter day on the hockey rink. I'm sleep deprived and sick and without will to hang on anymore.

You can't make society change.

I hear Justin pleading to her in the distance. He tries to reason with Ink, to let us go, to explain to her that we aren't as evil as everyone believes. But you can't singlehandedly make society change.

He seems so far away. A million miles and all he needs to do is take a step and lift me up. I yell to him, "You can't Justin."

He wants to make everyone see us as equals. But we're not. We're not superheroes but we have the capability to make people fear waking up in the morning. With us around, people can't live free in there own minds, because there is always someone in them. We have the capability to mess up a system that's been in place for centuries. That's why everyone fears us.

I finally let go of the edge and as I fall into the blackness of the pit, I can feel weight being lifted off of me, as if every person that feared me had added an extra pound to my every step.

"Emma!" I hear a cry of terror, his voice so vulnerable. My vision darkens and it feels as though an eternity has fallen between us.

Ink comes up behind him with a cruel grin across her face. I want to warn him telepathically, but it doesn't work. My jaws been set in place and my teeth dig into my gums. My stomach caves in.

And Justin falls over.

I can't speak. I can't breath. I can't move my body. The falling sensation is gone, yet I feel wind rushing all around me. Justin's on his stomach, so he can see our fate at the bottom.

The old me would blame Justin and Stella for the death that awaits us at the bottom.  She would say that he got me into this mess and now look where it's gotten us.

But this me is not scared anymore, no matter how cliché it sounds. Society will no longer have to worry about and maybe a weight will be lifted off their shoulders. Because everyone should deserve this weightless feeling.

"Emma!" I hear Justin call me. Why is he able to speak while falling? I must not be strong enough to resist this excruciating pain.

I hit something and a shock goes through my spine, but I find that unconsciousness doesn't over take me. I rise to my feet and examine the dirt covered walls. I looks like we've fallen into an ant hill.

The fact that I'm not injured doesn't register in my thoughts.

The wind that had stopped when I hit the bottom picks up once again. Justin comes flying down the hole. I look up to see every color of the rainbow, bright lights gets and dark ones. This place, it's not just a sink hole. No.

I feel like I've finally woken up and every problem I've ever had is solved. I'm stronger now.

Justin falls into my arms. His body is limp and cold, but his eyes are wide and deep with fear.

"Maybe we can't change society," he murmurs. "But you've changed me."

He presses his lips to mine and I hold back nothing.


hey turtles,
long time no see. Please tell me if this chapter is confusing, or if I'm leaving any plot lines out. Thanks!


with love,

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