Chapter 07

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chapter seven
emma montoya

It is not often that an Average as I am is permitted to go into a Supreme's bedroom dwelling, yet here I am while Tyler tries desperately to put the puzzle that it my life back together. It's been a week since the news of my parents broke, and my downfall slump is still falling. The anxiety of telling Jenna is constantly eating me alive.

"Are you listening Emma?" Tyler whispers softly. "I know it's hard, but this is important."

We still of his black-sheet covered bed with a computer on his lap. With a two-fingered scroll, he reads through his father's death documents in more detail than the ones he gave me. I was reading of his shoulder, but it was to complicated and upsetting to look at.

Mm hmm, I mumble, only plotting out how I'm going to bring Jenna into this. I feel destroyed and vulnerable, feelings Youth City always protected me from.

"Just listen to this please," he looks at my hung head. I play with my fingers in my lap. I know I'm being ungraciously stubborn, but when I try to look up and understand what he is trying to say, it doesn't feel right.

I look up and sigh. "I'm sorry Tyler, I'm being unreasonable. I'll try and listen."

He smiles and perks up. "Oh, all right. Thank you. Now, have you heard this statement before?"

He left clicks the mouse and an audio recording is played:

An awkward star roars louder and any other.


"We can't let her go yet Robert," a soothing voice cries. I feel my small body wrapped in a blanket of ripped cloth. My eyes aren't open, but I can feel the beating light against my eyelids.

"The Officials are going to be here soon, Kay," my father.

"They will kill her," my mother sneers, squeezing me harder.

"We'll meet her in heaven then," my father exclaims. "It's the only thing we can do."

"Robert," I can feel my ears crack as my mother's horrified screams fill the air.

I can feel a rough hand on my forehead. My father's. "We live in a world where they fear something going wrong. But it's when something goes wrong is when they finally are free. This universe we live in, it isn't perfect anymore. We live in fear, but it is too glossed over now to feel it."

My mother's voice falters. "An awkward star roars louder than any other."

"That's right honey. Our awkward star."


"Anything?" Tyler breaks the memory. I flinch and jump into his shoulder after being startled.

"Sorry," I brush it off and my cheeks blush pink.

"My fault," he takes blame. "I assume you had a memory."

I close my eyes, "It was my parents. They were talking before the Officials came to take me, as a newborn, to Young City."

"What did they say?" his voice fills my clouded thoughts.

I remember it perfectly. I won't ever be able to forget. "My father said, we live in a world where they fear something going wrong. But it's when something goes wrong is when they finally are free. This universe we live in, it isn't perfect anymore. We live in fear, but it is too glossed over now to feel it."

From the moment the last word leaves my tongue, I know I shouldn't be talking about this with Tyler. His parents control my life now, he could ruin me. I stand to leave, but a hand's firm grip around my arm pulls me down.

"No, this isn't right."

"Emma," I look at him as he meets my gaze.  "You're in danger. Just let me protect you."

I don't know if it was the way he said it, or the way he looked sternly and sincere. You're in danger. Let me protect you. He was going to protect me. Something was wrong, and he knew perfectly what it was. I needed him to stay safe, to stay alive if that's the case.

And that is why I kissed him.


Hey Turtles!

They kissed!! Just know that I will never get into detail of romance because I am not that type of authors and have no genuine experience.

But is it meant to be? Can Tyler be trusted? Comment below!



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