#AWKTALK 10 Chapters Update

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Yah! We got to ten chapters. This is the farthest I've ever gotten in a book so I'm very excited. Thank you for keeping me going and all your sweet comments and votes.

Sorry, but we're just now getting to the good stuff. Much more action is coming, and I'm just ready to write it all. The beginning was girly, yes I know, but now we have left Jenna and dresses.

School is starting up again and the summer is ending (sorry to bring you to reality :( ) Who's ready? Chapters may be slower, again, (yes I apologize for that 2 month break. I had weeks of summer camp) but I will try.

I've noticed that my chapter have gotten shorter and it bugs me. I am trying to make them longer, getting as close to 1,000 words as possible. Shorter chapters are easier for me, but under 500 is not expectable.

One last thing. THAT WATTYS ARE NOW CLOSED! I don't know if this story counts in the running since it isn't finished, but please vote anyways just in case! Thanks so much :)

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