Chapter 09

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chapter nine

emma montoya

The wailing child would be the equivalent of a snoring peer.

"Dow," a woman says, frustrated. "Are you almost done?"

"Mer," a man yawns. "You know how long this can take."

"There have been reports of someone sneaking around the halls. We need to get the new children out as soon as possible."

I gulp.

"I'm fine and no one will be able to get in here."


"Stop worrying. It's just one more babe and the longer you scold me, the longer this will take."

There is a slam of a door. And Dow whispers around his breath, "Love you." I presume their married.

He continues with his work. The crying continues. "Shh," he soothes. "You will be happy after this. It will all be worth it."

The stench of medical equipment becomes stronger. Through the window I can see Dow draw a syringe into a bottle of medicine. "I know you probably won't understand this," the baby stops crying. "But I am now going to persuade the part of your brain the assists opinion making. You will believe what the rest of the county believes. You will be one person. This injection will coax your mind into believing that the way your parents thought is the right way."

He pushes the needle into the baby's are, and though it squirms, it is peaceful.

o o o

My theory was proven correct: we can't help but follow in our ancestors beliefs.

The doctor invented away so that there would be absolutely no room for human flaw. Everyone would contribute to the county equal as they all were the same on the inside.

The Council never knew that stella inconcinnus was real. Her offspring were given the shot, but because of the persuasion, they followed in their mother's ways off life. They were brave and independent. They didn't follow the rules, they thrived in between the lines. Awkward Stars didn't live in one guild, they lived in between the lines of two.

But when they were caught, they and all acquaintances were killed.

My parents.


o o o

Hey Turtles,

Long time no see. Yes, I understand that the medical processes in this chapter are fictional and false. This is a science fiction novel so I believe I have the rights to make up science-related occurrences.


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