Chapter 08

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chapter eight

emma montoya

An awkward star is someone who is as original as the stars. This specific person is considered the "brightest star" as they are set out to change the County in either a good or terrible way, most usually a terrible way. This person is not different than any other person other than the fact that they were raised on different beliefs.

"So I am an Awkward Star?" I ask Tyler. "That sounds kind of ridiculous."

We've been researching my father's words for hours, an this is the most logical and explainable thing we've found. It makes some since, but not enough.

"Remember the story of ?" Tyler volleys back.

stella inconcinnus was an old myth we played at a little in school. Back when the County was formed, they took in all people with similar, healthy minds were taken in to start an environment with like people to live happily. But resulting in the fact that science and evaluations weren't as high tech as they are today, stella inconcinnus got past the gate living a different life than all the others. In a form of English, her name translates to Awkward Star. But this was all of course a myth.

"Yes," I say, my mouth dry. I can't look at him the same way.

"What if she wasn't a fake? What if you're her ancestor?"

But belief can't be passed down like that, I tell him. You can expose a person to  a certain way of living, but you can't make them that way. If 's offspring was surrounded by peer pressure of a different way of looking at life, that we would most likely have corrupted it's mind to thinking that way. And then there was always the reasoning that if was the only "Awkward Star," she would have married a normal man and been exposed.

Tyler presses a few more keys on his tablet. "I'll think about it more in bed, but it's curfew. You need to be going back to your dorm."

I squeeze his shoulder and stand up. To think, I entered this room confused and stubborn, not ready to accept that fact that I am not a child anymore, but now I'm leaving with fear wrapped around my finger.


If I am thinking correctly, today the newborn's are going to be delivered to Young City. They pass through through the gate during the night so that they become a part of daily life without being noticed.

Instead of turning into my bedroom, I find my way to the infirmary. My footfall is exposing even when I try to whisper, so I hurry, careful not to fall into the light of the flashlights zig-zagging across the hallway and down the stairs.

"Hello?" a voice cracks, as I press my shivering body against a nearby wall. A rack of nervous rushes over me.

A light traces along the wall. As it comes nearer, I crouch to the ground and the flashlight skims the top of my head. Maybe this was a bad idea. I cross my fingers in hope that the night guard looking for me will go back to sleep, or at least move to a different part of the headquarters.

I hear a grunt and a figure darker than the hallway shrugs. "Must be the rats."

I rise and make my way to the only light left on in the compound. The light illuminates dull red block letters spelling out, " L I O N M E D I C A L W A R D." I duck into a blacken corner and lean forward to listen. This may be it.

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