Chapter 12

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chapter twelve

emma montoya 

The kind woman who introduced herself as Shirley comes back with a shot of medicine, and that's the last I've seen of her. Justin still sits in his chair watching me attentively.

I massage my shoulder with my other free hand and work it down to just the feeling of a bruise.

Justin perks up, "I'm going to ask you a few now that you have gained conscience back, alright?"

I nod and he scoots himself over to the left side of my bed. He slips the IV out of my arms and gives me a rag to hold on it. He doesn't look much older than I am, so I find it hard to believe that he is a doctor. His calm and collected personality supplies me with a strong sense of safety that I've never felt before -- the kind a parent would bring.

He starts. "Are you aware of your citizen status?"

I nod. "Yes, I found out, yesterday I think." Suddenly it occurs to me that I don't know what day it is. My fading memory worries me. "What day is it?" I ask.

"Two days after the newborn shipment," Justin says. "That's how we tell time here."

I shake my head. "But that makes no sense."


"It can't be two days-- I," he cuts me off and scribbles something down on his clipboard. His dark eyes and brown hair match mine almost exactly, and he looks almost handsome. That must make me almost beautiful, I think. But why am I finding myself looking at him in these ways? The only boys I ever associated with were the ones from school, but we weren't even in the same class.

"You were found at 11:30 at night, so by the time you woke up in the interrogation room, it was around noon. The first day, yesterday. When you fell unconscious into our custody, you woke up today. Get it?"

I nod, not being able to process the time I was unconscious. "So I was found two days ago. The night I was 'arrested'."

"That makes since now," Justin grins. "Next, why were you arrested?"

"I broke curfew by going to listen to the doctors conversations."

"Why'd you go?"

"I was with Reynold Green's son Ty--," I hesitate to tell Justin about Tyler and what we were doing.

Reality hits hard. I thought I could trust Tyler, I thought he would protect me. He said he would, hadn't he. He looked so inncocent, so vulnerable and longing to real free of his father's grasp. He was just the rat his father put in to gain information about us. About me.

I could see it in his eyes, in his expression when I bumped into him. Tyler's lips were pinched and under his eyes hung deep bags. He spoke with a since sadness and frustration. Tyler would be the last time I ever trust someone.

"It's OK," says Justin quietly. "You can trust me."

But can I? "Justin, I would like to speak to someone in charge, please. Now."

His eyes widen and I can see him reading me. I try as hard as I can to shut him out.

"You are afraid," he concludes. "You don't trust me. I will go get Kane."

He stands and for a moment I worry that he is angry at me. I don't read his mind, for that is wrong.

At the door Justin looks back and says, "And Emma? You are beautiful."


Justin returns with a tall man five long minutes later. The man brings with him the smell of mint and fresh chopped lumber, not a great combination together, but a dream separate.

He stretches out his hand and I take it, shaking it firmly. This must be Kane.

"Miss. Montoya," he says softly. "You requested my presence?"

Justin takes his seat and watches in amusement. I meet Kane's gaze and a since of utter terror washes over me.

"Um, yes," I manage, "before Justin proceeds with his questioning, I would like a few answers of my own."

"Someone has betrayed your trust," Kane dodges my statement. "Someone you had feelings for."

I blush red. "Where am I?"

"Squad, Justin told you so."

"What is Squad?"

"The headquarters for all known Awkward Stars in the County." He answers with an attitude. Isn't-this-obvious?

"No," I find myself saying. I just read his mind. Oh god.

"Why am I here?" I ask then, taking a deep breath.

"Because you're in danger. This is your sanctuary. Everything in order now?"

I roll through facts in my head and reply with a nod. Kane leaves emotionless and locks the door. The room is braced with an eerie silence.

I give Justin a cold glare. He smiles foolishly. "What on Earth was that about?" I raise my voice. "Who was that?"

"I told you. That was Kane. He runs Squad," Justin smirks.

"He looked like he wanted to kill me that whole time," I shout.

"That's because he does."

I gulp. "You're joking."

"Who are your parents?" he asks, dodging the topic.

"Don't change the subject," I say infuriated.

He volleys back calmly. "Just answer the question."

I huff. "Robert and Kate Montoya."

He stands and bows with an eyebrow raised.


"You are the new leader of Squad. You are taking Kane's place after forty years. He will be nothing after you."

"I--I" I can't think of anything to say. This makes no sense, none of this does. I long to be back in Young City with Rivet sitting by the fire and knitting. All of us. I wish my parents hadn't been killed so they could wrap me in a hug. My life has been turned upside down.

"Thank you."


Hey Turtles!

Long time no see. I wanted to thank you for 500 reads! That means so much and you are all so amazing!

Lots of dialogue in this chapter, but I need to sort emotions and facts out for the upcoming ones.

Remember to vote if you enjoyed!


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