Chapter 15

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chapter fifteen

emma montoya

PM me! I want to talk to you guys and share with me your stories! I want to read your stories if you read mine :)

He explains to me the rules. I am to cross every obstacle without touching the surface beneath. Every challenge will get harder every time and I am not to quit in between and every time I run the course, my time must improve. If it does not, I am to run the course twice a day.

As he explains, my mind wanders to the idea that, if Justin can do all this? Why isn't he the savior?

"Because you're a direct, remember?" he reads my mind. "Don't forget I can read your mind."

I feel as though my privacy has been utterly violated. "How come being a direct makes me all so powerful?" I question abruptly, taking a seat on the edge of the course.

The course in dozens of feet long and reaches the ceiling. All obstacles are metal poles and wrapped in red matting. There's a giant wall, a log and a row of monkey bars right at the beginning and challenges that I can't find words to describe the ending ones. I don't know how I will finish this.

"Your ancestors can speak to you will you fight."

It's odd when he talks like we're in a war. In the County, you grow up believing the life is peaceful and worry free. The government officials have made dozens of precautions to make sure so. This is nothing more than a mere disagreement between people, who refuse to believe that that are equal. I am only caught up in it due to other's own selfishness. Right?

I press these thoughts into my mind as relaxation. "Anything else you would like to throw at me?"

He shakes his head as a reply to my sarcasm and points to the starting block. I brush off every nerve as I prepare to make a fool of myself and it ponder why I even care. He has only brought upset into my life, yet I find myself caring what he thinks.

I walk up onto the starting platform and he blows the whistle. I blink twice and begin by jumping over a variety of blocks with different heights and widths. It isn't all too difficult and only two I do not pass with ease.

I hear a slam of doors as I approach the next obstacle, the log. I step on it and and spins furiously, spending a shot of panic through me. It's that gut feeling that sews your ribs together as a stitch that can't be ripped.

Just do it. Less planning time, A new voice tells me through mind-communication. It's feminine, so not Justin, but I wonder who.

I'll tell you when you finish, they tell me.

The sturdiness of this person's voice is so determine and trustworthy, that I almost give up my fear. I've always found it hard to put trust in a person for any number of reasons, especially after I put it all in Tyler and he threw it away. It's difficult to give up your pride and safety to a person who has only given you one side of their story, which is why it's so fascinating that I have this weird assurance in Justin.

I run right across the log, loosing my footing with every step.


Hey Turtles,

New short chapters coming daily! Enjoy and happy NanoWrimo

My Wrimo Is: katherinedelia1


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