Chapter 14

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chapter fourteen

emma montoya

"What fog?" Justin asks.

"The one that everyone was running away from..."

"There was a mob of Lion guild reps running at us. Our people aren't cowards, they don't run away from fog." He seemed offended, so I don't press forward.

I walk a little behind Justin, careful to give him some space while I admire my new clothes. I don't remember when I put them on, but they remind me of war. Murky green yoga pants and a leather vest. Has there been a war going on and I haven't noticed?

Through many twists and turns through shadowy alleys, I find that Justin has led us to a building looking exactly like Lion, but opposite colors. A black exterior and opaque windows.

"What's this?" I question, hoping Jenna is here. "It looks like Lion."

He doesn't look back at me. "This will be your training facility. After we evacuated headquarters, I brought you out of the city. There are three cities in the County, only two visible to the naked eye, but the third is a training campus for the Awks."

It seems as though every second I move forward new information is thrown at me. "But what about headquarters? Isn't that the training center?"

"Think of that as the new center. There was a time when the Awks weren't hated, but accepted as heroes. The people built them a simulation training facility that looks exactly like the country so we could practice protection services."

"So why are we hated now?"

"Because there was a day when we couldn't save the Young City. It used to be much larger and more exciting until it burned."

Justin holds that door open for me as I set through into a lobby. As he follows, I see a layer of grease has set on his hand.

I see that he feels like he belongs here. With confidence, he approaches the purple haired woman at the front desk. I wonder how he could feel so safe while the rest of the world wants him dead. I feel like crawling into a hole.

"Hello Ink," he foolishly grins to the woman's face. Her expression doesn't change, her thin eyes and straight lips. "We're here for room three."

It occurs to me that I have put my trust in these people who has turned my world upside down and in danger.

"Paperwork?" Ink asks. I don't see her mouth move.

"Emma, come here please," he beckons. It takes me a second to realize he is trying to get my attention. They both look at me, Ink in sorrow and Justin with hope. Like I am supposed to be the key to something.

I stroll forwards and I feel my ponytail swishing in the air behind my head. I don't remember putting it up.

Justin's taller than me. He grips my shoulders tightly and turning me around so that my back is towards Ink. The back of my
neck suddenly becomes itchy and I feel a cold finger nail press against my tattoo.

"Here's your key."

I pull away from the both of them and Ink's face contorts and cocks to the side.

"Thank you," I say. In this moment I decide that I will now live up to what these people think I am.


We walk into a gymnasium-like room with a giant obstacle course across the floor. After three flights of stairs, I fear Justin is going to make me run it, not thy I would know how in the first place.

"My sister Anna and a group of her soldiers have been captured. I find out yesterday. You are the only person that can save them, so we will train. The rest of the Awks already have a plan to escape the city and 25% have already done so as of yesterday. We need to get every Awk out of the County, and that includes all the children."

He doesn't seem sad that his sister has been lost, only angry. And my own confusion is bubbling over to fury.

"I don't know who you think I am," I almost scream. "And I don't know who you are. But I am not some savior to you. I will help you find your sister, but you don't need to make up these wild stories to get me to."

"Let's get started."


Hey #TurtleFam! That's what I will now call you all because you got me to 700 reads! I literally can not believe that. Thank you and my apologizes for a lack in updating.

I hope you have a happy Awkward Monday


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