DESCENDANTS. in which, the daughter of mother gothel is sent to Auradon with four of her friends to steal the fairy godmother's magic wand, but it only starts there.
ben beast x
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THAT NIGHT, MAL, EVIE, AND WILLOW MADE THEIR WAY TO THE BOYS DORM TO COME UP WITH A GAME PLAN. When they entered, the first thing they seen was Carlos in front of the television playing a game.
Jay was by his bed with a bunch of items spread out. "Jay, what are you doing?" Mal asks him, standing next to him, looking at what he got. "It's called stealing." he replies to her, proudly.
"Okay, what's the point?"
"Well, Mal, it's like buying whatever I want," Jay says, pulling out a laptop, "except it's free."
Mal chuckles, "Okay, so you can do that or you could leave all this here or," she picks up a cell phone off his bed, "you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world."
"You sound just like your mom." Evie grins taking a seat while Willow walked around the room. Mal gasps and turned toward her best friend, "Thank you."
"You do it your way," says Jay, closing the laptop, "and i'll do it mine."
"Die, suckers!" exclaims Carlos as he is virtually slaining an enemy on the television. "Jay, come check this thing out! Man, it's awesome." Jay walks over and takes the controllers, immediately getting into it and enjoying just as Carlos did.
"Guys!" Mal raises her voice slightly, "Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?"
Willow and Evie laugh at his response. "This is our once chance to prove ourselves to our parents." Mal states and the room went completely still. Jay was no longer moving along with the game. Mal was right and it seemed they had lost track of that.
Willow frowned. She really didn't want to be locked away in a tower for the rest of her life. "To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel," Mal continued, "Yeah?"
"Yeah." they all replied.
"Evie, mirror me." they take a seat at the table in the middle of the room and Evie pulls it out, "Mirror, mirror, on the . . . in my hand. Where is Fairy Godmothers wand stand?"
The mirror revealed the wand to be in some sort of case. "There it is." Willow points.
"Zoom out." Carlos tells Evie. Moving it close to the face, she whispers, "Magic mirror, not so close," and it did as told. It zoomed out, showing the whole globe, "Closer," and every time she said closer, it did indeed get closer but only little at a time until it got to the outside of The Museum of Cultural History.
"It's in his a museum? Do we know where that is?" Willow asks her friends, glancing at each of them. Carlos gets onto the laptop Jay had stolen and types in the name of the Museum, "Two-point-three miles from here," he announces and turns the laptop toward them.