Isabelle Olympus part 26

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Hello! I know that it has been quite a long wait for this chapter but here it is.

A boy was running up the hill towards camp, a woman and Grover following behind him. They were all out of breath and looking over their shoulders in panic every few seconds. I knew that the boy must be Percy Jackson, don't ask me how I knew because I have no clue but I was certain that this was the kid that everyone was so interested in.

"Go Percy! Separate! Remember what I said!" The woman shouted, confirming my suspicions that this was the infamous Percy Jackson. Percy followed the woman's instructions and sprinted forward up the hill, away from her and a limping Grover. It was then that I caught a glimpse of the thing that had been following them, it was the Minotaur. I had heard stories about this creature from Chiron and they weren't nice. The Minotaur was a vicious monster and it was after Percy! This kid seemed to have the worst luck in the world!

The Minotaur charged after Percy, gaining on him quickly, there was no way that a young boy of Percy's age could out run the Minotaur. The monster was closing in, and Percy must have realised this for he stopped and turned to face the oncoming beast. Just when I thought the monster was going to flatten him, Percy jumped out of the way and the Minotaur raced passed him. This kid was clever, maybe that's why he hadn't died yet despite my dads' best efforts.

The Minotaur shifted its focus and started charging in the opposite direction to Percy. What was it doing? Was it confused? I knew that The Minotaur wasn't the smartest of beasts but surely it wasn't that stupid! It wouldn't have gotten such a fearsome reputation if all you had to do to send it running was jump out of its way. No, something was up. It was then that I noticed its new target. The woman. The monster was now heading straight for her and she was trying to back away slowly. Probably trying to not make any sudden movements to attract the thing as it is commonly known that the monster doesn't have very good eye sight. But it was too late for that now, it knew where she was.

The monster grabbed her around the neck and started to choke her. She was flailing her limbs in the air but it was useless, she wasn't doing any damage.

"Mom!" Percy shouted desperately. So the woman was Percy's mother then? That made sense I guess. It also explained how she might have known about the Minotaur's bad eye sight.

The woman managed to choke out a quiet "Run" before she dissolved into a shimmering light and disappeared. What in Styx's name just happened there?! Where did the woman go? It was like she became a hologram and then just vanished. That was very strange.

The monster then started heading towards where Grover had passed out on the grass, probably planning on doing the same light thing to him too, but Percy leapt into action. He shouted to gain the beast's attention and ripped off his jacket which had a red lining and started to wave it around like a bullfighter. Okay, I take back the clever comment I made earlier, was he really trying to lure the monster towards him with a red jacket? It's not a bull! However Percy's shouts seemed to do the trick as the monster was now running at him.

Milliseconds before he became the Minotaur version of road-kill Percy jumped up and kind of used the beast's head as a springboard and propelled himself onto the monster's back. And let me tell you now that the monster didn't appreciate this. It roared and bucked but Percy somehow managed to stay on. Percy then started to pull at one of the monster's horns, trying to get it off, I think. It must have been working as the beast's roars got louder, in pain presumably, and it managed to throw Percy off of its back and onto the grass a fair few metres away.

The fall must have injured Percy as he took a while to sit up and when he did the Minotaur was already barrelling straight towards him. He instinctively rolled out of the way and thrust something up into the monster's side causing it to howl in pain. What was it? Was it a rock? No it looked to round to be that. It was then that I noticed the Minotaur now only had one horn on its head. Percy had managed to dislodge it and then stab it with its own horn. I was very impressed to say the least. This kid was a natural. I have spent ages training demigods to fight like that and I still have loads that are pretty useless in a fight, but this kid hasn't had any lessons but can do that! No wonder Grover thought he was something special.

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