Isabelle Olympus part 30

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Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the really long wait, but I've just started Uni so everything was a bit hectic and new. I've finally finished this chapter, but I don't think that it is that great. It's a bit of a filler in my opinion. But I hope that you all still like it! Please let me know what you think.

And that’s we did. We waited. We watched Percy closely, just waiting for something else to happen, hoping to see something that would indicate that our suspicions about his father were correct. But we didn’t see anything. I was getting impatient and frustrated. On a few occasions I had almost decided to just go to Olympus and find Poseidon to confront him directly, but I knew that that was a bad idea. What if we were wrong and Percy wasn’t his kid? Then we’d just accused an Olympian god of breaking an oath he swore on the River Styx and probably pissed him off in the process. Then there was always the other option that we were right and then we had just made him confess to breaking his word in front of Zeus, who already wasn’t happy with him. So I managed to persuade myself to be patient. We would find out eventually. We just had to wait for a sign.

It wasn’t until the end of the week when that sign came. It was the night of the first game of Capture the Flag. The two main rivalling cabins were Athena and Ares. It was usually these two cabins that butted heads, as they were two of the larger and more determined groups. I know that Annabeth had been planning for this game all week, I had seen her trace battle strategies with her fingers onto the table at dinner, and muttering to herself as she walked around camp. She was determined to win and, like always, she had a plan of action.

Like usual I was just going to be wandering through the battlefield acting as medical assistance. Although it was in the rules that the kids weren’t allowed to really hurt each other, some of them could get a bit too into the game. The Ares kids in particular could get a bit . . . vicious. In the last few games, we’d had a few more problems with Clarisse than normal.

Not that long ago Ares had given her a little gift which I didn’t particularly approve of and I definitely didn’t approve of her using it here in camp, but I had been overruled. Ares had given her a spear, but it wasn’t your average kind of spear, this one electrocuted the victim. When I had found that out I was furious at Ares for giving it to her, knowing that she would be going around electrocuting my campers. However, Ares insisted that she be allowed to keep it, claiming it to be a beautiful weapon. I couldn’t deny that it was skilfully crafted and intricately carved, but the essence of the thing, it was evil. Clarisse then went on to argue that we already used dangerous weapons when we fought so it wouldn’t really be any different and that every other camper was allowed to use their magic items in camp. I had to grudgingly let it go, but that didn’t mean that I approved of it. And from the way that Clarisse had been starring down Percy for these last few days, I could tell that she was planning on directing her magic spear at him. I made a mental not to try and stick close to Percy during the game, in case he needed my help.

I watched him slightly anxiously as Luke guided him into the forest. This was his first time playing, he had no clue what kind of thing was in store for him. Although Luke did mention that he seemed to have a bit of a natural talent when it came to sword fighting, even managing to disarm Luke on his first try, which is saying something as Luke is good and sword fighting. I just hoped that what he had managed to learn in a week was enough to protect him in the game.

I was jolted out of my worrying by Chiron blowing the conch horn signalling the game to begin. I quickly scurried into the forest and located the main battle area, watching for any serious injuries that I would have to attend to. I tried to keep an eye out for Percy but I didn’t seem to see him anywhere. I didn’t know what Annabeth’s plan was so I don’t know where she had placed him in the battle. I did, however, see Clarisse, which slightly put me at ease. She was in the very centre of the battle with that horrible weapon by her side. But she too looked as though she was trying to find someone in particular amongst the hoards of campers, and I had a sneaking suspicion that she was looking for Percy.

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