Isabelle Olympus part 18

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Hey guys! here's the next part, hope you enjoy it!

The next few months passed by in a blur, but a very nice blur. My parents seemed to accept the fact that I was now with Alex, even if I did still hear a few grumbles and some not so subtle threats aimed at Alex if he ever hurt me. But the idea of Alex hurting me seemed ridiculous, he was too sweet to ever want to hurt anyone, especially me.

Alex was a brilliant boyfriend, he would pop up in camp unexpectedly to take me on romantic dates. They would always be surprises and no matter how much I begged him to tell me where we were going, he wouldn’t give in, saying that the anticipation will only make it better (He was right, of course, but I’ll never tell him that). So far he’d taken me to a fancy restaurant in New York, a cafe in Paris, to watch the sunset on a deserted beach and to a beautiful park with a picnic. I know that that list is filled with clichés but I can happily say that I loved every single one of those clichés and I can’t wait for another one. Yes, Alex is a little cheesy and romantic, but I love that. It makes me feel special in a way that Connor never did. When he smiles at me I feel like I’m the highlight of his day.

The Aphrodite girls demanded details from me about our dates every time they saw me and I had taken to trying to hide from them at all costs. Chiron seemed to find it hilarious when I came to him begging to trade my archery session with the Aphrodite girls for his Ares and Athena sword fighting sessions as well as taking his bed time duties, just to avoid them. It’s not that I don’t appreciate what they did for me, it’s just that I wanted some privacy in my relationship and that whenever they interrogated me, they always got more from me than I really wanted them to. They were very skilled at getting information, it’s probably why most Aphrodite children end up being journalists in magazines of some sort, they can be very persuasive.

Before I knew it, summer had ended, it was approaching the winter solstice and most kids went back home leaving only a few still in camp. Chiron had arranged a trip for those left at camp to go to Olympus whilst the Olympian gods had their annual meeting. There weren’t many that stay at camp all year round and the place becomes eerily quiet when they’re all gone. I find myself missing their annoying constant chatter and I would even put up with listening to the Aphrodite girls chatter about how Alex and I had appeared on the cover of The God, The Bad and The Ugly. Again. It seemed to be an increasingly common occurrence now that they had discovered we were dating. The hype around Alex and I was even bigger than it had been with Connor as of course now that I had been jilted in love I was so much more interesting and the magazines jumped at any opportunity to interview one of my parents for their view on Alex, which I’m sure you can guess wasn’t always complementary. They had been quite disappointed that our names didn’t join in the way that they liked, ‘Cozzy’ had been a neat little name for my relationship with Connor, but the best they could come up with for Alex and me was ‘Allabelle’.

I was a little worried that all these threats and the constant attention would scare Alex away but he never wavered or even blinked an eye. He just told me that I was worth it all and that if he owned the magazine he would put me on the front cover every week too. Of course after that I went bright red from embarrassment.

There were only about ten kids left in camp, including Luke, I had been watching him closely these last few months and I think he was starting to notice it. I didn’t know what I could do because as Hermes had said, it’s going to happen no matter what I do. I felt so helpless I am his goddess and I can’t help him. There were times when I wanted tell Alex everything and lean on him, get his opinion on what I should do, but I couldn’t. I wouldn’t do that to Luke, Alex would judge him on something he hasn’t even done yet, I won’t let that happen, I want to protect him from judgement for as long as I can.

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